Prayer Ministry

80701296“Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”  ~ Luke 11:1c.


What is prayer ministry? Prayer Ministry is an intentional response to the powerful gift of prayer that God has given to the Church.  Here at Peace Lutheran, an intercessory prayer team receives prayer requests and is available to make home visits prior to surgery and for other occasions when a home visit is desired.  Confidentially is strictly honored when requested.


Intercessory Lord’s Prayer

Father, may your name be hallowed in the lives of each of these persons

Reign over them with your loving sovereignty

Move, guide, and direct their wills until they are conformed to your will

Give them this day holy gifts of your choosing as the bread of life

Let them receive your forgiving love, that they may bear that love to others

Guard and keep them in temptation, save them in times of trial,

Protect them from every evil power

Fill them with gratitude and thanksgiving in knowing that

You reign over all and in all,

And that to you belongs all power and glory now and forever.  Amen.
