9/22/24 Rally Sunday Worship @ 10:30

Bulletin cover 9.22.24WELCOME TO PEACE!  

Welcome to Peace!  We pray you experience God’s presence today as you join us in worship. There are times during the service when you’ll be invited to “rise as able in body or spirit.” You have full permission to care for yourself and your physical well-being, so if getting up and down is difficult, we encourage you to do whatever you need to do to care for yourself, including remaining seated. Parents, know that if your young ones need to move around, we’re cool with that!

Deep caring and loyalty between friends is manifested in our two Scripture stories today. Ruth declares her enduring commitment to her mother in law Naomi; and the friends of a paralyzed man won’t let anything stand in the way of a face to face encounter with Jesus.

Our Pass the Hat Partner this month is Camp Lutherwood, a place where lasting friendships are made! We are joined today by Pastor Kevin Beebe, Exec. Dir, and Ashleigh Ellsworth-Keller, Program Director.  Pastor Kevin is our guest preacher.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 20B Rally Sunday 9.22.24

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