Transfiguration, Lewis Bowman
Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. – Luke 9:28-31
On this final Sunday of Epiphany we join Peter, James, and John as witnesses to Jesus’ Transfiguration on the mountain. The dazzling display of light brings illumination to our lives and the life of the world.
Witnesses to the glory of God in the face of Jesus reflect that glory in the world. It was true for Moses. It was doubtless true for Peter, James, and John. We pray that it will be true of all of us who see God’s glory in the word and in the supper and who are being “transformed into the same image” by God’s Spirit.
The day will begin with a CROSS GENERATIONAL “FAT SUNDAY” CELEBRATION @ 9:15am – with pancakes and toppings galore (bring a favorite topping to add to the Toppings Bar if you are able!) There will be a variety of stations set up for you to explore and prepare for your Lenten journey as a family. Including labyrinths, prayer beads, and more. There will be a variety to appeal to different ages and interests.
This is the 1st Sunday of the month, so remember to bring your FOOD GIFTS for sharing with hungry neighbors. Special request this month include: fruit of all kinds: canned, including pull-tabs, and shelf-stable fresh fruit such as mandarin oranges, etc.
During 10:30 WORSHIP we’ll be installing the new Church Council. It’ll be our last opportunity to sing ALLELUIAS before Easter—so come raise your voice loud and strong!
Finally, Sunday is the last opportunity to participate in the MATCHING FUND OPPORTUNITY in support of Refugee Ministry of Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) As of today, $3900 has been received toward the $4500 goal. You can write a check payable to Peace Lutheran Church or give through our Tithe.ly Portal Include: REFUGEES, in the memo line, and put it into the offering plate or drop it by the church office. Thank you for your generosity!
To join our Live Stream broadcast of this service, click HERE.
The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany Transfig C 3.2.25 bulletin