Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

2106_Pumpkin Soup with BreadDear Friends!

Our series of five Lenten Wednesday Soup/Suppers followed by Evening Prayer begin tonight.

  • The Soup/bread meal is served beginning at 6pm. 
  • The 30 minute service of Evening Prayer begins at 7pm.

 Come as you are—to either or to both.

All are welcome here.


Temptation of Christ, Nicholas Roerich, 1933

Temptation of Christ, Nicholas Roerich, 1933

Welcome to the Lenten Season at Peace.

As we embark on this 40-day journey with Christ toward the cross and empty tomb, our relationship with God through the covenant of baptism is renewed. Returning to our baptismal call, we are set free to more intentionally bear the fruits of mercy and justice in the world.

Today’s gospel tells of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. His forty-day fast becomes the basis of our Lenten pilgrimage. In the early church Lent was a time of intense preparation for those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. This catechetical focus on the meaning of faith is at the heart of our Lenten journey to the baptismal waters of Easter.

As we celebrate Christ’s presence in the Bread of Wine of the Eucharist, we receive bread for the journey.  To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

A copy of the worship bulletin can be downloaded here: Lent 1A 2023 2.26.23 bulletin

Following worship you are invited to attend a Workshop from 12:00 noon – 1:30pm on Faithful Advocacy, led by Reverend AC Churchill (they/them), Executive Director of Earth Ministry/WAIPL.  

To learn more, click on this LINK.


 Photo of Reverend ChurchillSunday, February 26, 2023   

             Noon – 1:30  

Led by Reverend AC Churchill (they/them),

        Executive Director of Earth Ministry/WAIPL  

Hosted by PLC’s Creation Care Team 

Chili Lunch provided by the Creation Care Team 

Logo of the Earth Ministry / Washington Interfaith Power & Light organizationAdvocacy Basics

This training will primarily cover the basics of advocacy:

  • an advocacy overview 
  • the attributes and impacts of faithful advocacy 
  • what faithful advocacy looks like in action 


Additionally, we’ll be learning how at its core, faithful advocacy is storytelling, which is something people of faith already know how to do.  You will learn the Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s faithful advocacy recipe and have an opportunity to practice sharing your story as it relates to one of our 2023 Legislative Priorities. 

 Faith Into Action 

You do not have to be an environmental expert to participate. Your story, your faith, your concern for the wellbeing of our world is enough to begin working for environmental justice. So come and learn about how to put your faith into action for a just and sustainable future! 

 All Are Welcome! 

For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team

For more on Earth Ministry / Washington Interfaith Power & Light: Earth Ministry – Stewardship of the earth

—– Post-event Update from Reverend Churchill: —————–

“One quick update: I was mistaken yesterday when I told you all about the progress of the Environmental Justice in the Growth Management Act bill. We thought it had passed out of Ways and Means and onto Rules. Unfortunately it did not. We grieve this decision and yet are committed to continuing to work for environmental justice. 
Follow up from yesterday:
I have attached the slides below, in a PDF format, to this email.”
“Here is the link for the workshop recording: 

Also, here a couple of the links I was talking about yesterday:

For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team

Icon of the Transfiguration, Theophilus the Greek, 15th Century

Icon of the Transfiguration, Theophilus the Greek, 15th Century

Welcome to Peace!  We’re glad you found us.

Join us as we mark The Transfiguration of Our Lord on Sunday, February 19, the final burst of light before begin our Lenten journey.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is optional–but highly recommended with new versions of COVID virus on the rise Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers  wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

If you cannot join us in IN-PERSON, you can join via our Live Stream channel:

The worship guide for 2/19/23 can be downloaded here: Epiphany Transfiguration 2023 2.19.23 bulletin 

On February 6, two powerful earthquakes hit Turkey and significantly impacted neighboring Syria. 

The first was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in south central Turkey, followed hours later by a magnitude 7.5 quake in the southeastern part of the country. The two quakes have devastated Turkey and Syria, collapsing thousands of buildings and damaging infrastructure. Over 23,000 people have been killed and thousands more have been injured. A cold and snowy weather system now moving through the region complicates the response efforts.

Lutheran Disaster Response and its partners are prepared to accompany our neighbors impacted by these earthquakes. One hundred percent of your gifts to “Middle East Crisis” go to supporting earthquake survivors and other people affected by disasters in the region.  To make a contribution to these efforts, follow this LINK.

Welcome to Peace!  We’re glad you found us.


A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: soon

If you are unable to join us In-Person, you’re welcome to connect with our YouTube Live Stream of the service at 10:30am HERE.

Cover image 2.12.23Welcome to Peace!  We’re glad you found us.

February 12 is our Pass the Hat Sunday. We will be welcoming Elizabeth Dickinson from Faith Action Network “FAN” who will update on the recent Faith Advocacy Day in Olympia. A special offering will be received.

A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 6A 2023 2.12.23 bulletin_

If you are unable to join us In-Person, you’re welcome to connect with our YouTube Live Stream of the service at 10:30am HERE.

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it.  Each builder must choose with care how to build on it.  For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid, that foundation is Jesus Christ. 

–  St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 3:10-11

Beloved of God,

When you’re framing up a house, before you lift a stick of lumber you check the foundation to make certain its walls are plumb, level and square.  If the foundation is out of PLUMB it means the walls are leaning, and the weight of the force pressing down could cause them to collapse.  If the foundation is not LEVEL neither will the floors be, and everything that’s added on top will contribute to the home’s instability.  If the foundation is out of SQUARE then everything on top of it will be out of square; and problems originating with the foundation will be translated through the entire structure to the roof.  In other words, if a home’s foundation isn’t plumb, level, and square, everything built on it will be put at risk, everything built on it will be in danger of failing.

Back in the day when I was framing houses in Minnesota, our crew once arrived at the job site to discover that the foundation, instead of measuring up square as it should, measured like a parallelogram!  There was nothing we could do to build that house from that foundation and have it end up square.  The only option was starting over from the ground up.  So our foreman called the cement contractor, and, after a few choice words were exchanged, the cement contractor sent a backhoe to pull the walls down and pull the footings up and start the building process all over again.

The testimony of the New Testament is that there is only one solid foundation on which the mission of the church can be built.  In the words of the Samuel Stone’s great hymn text: “The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord.”

Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock…and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  –  Jesus, Matthew 7: 24, 26

In some ways, our annual meeting each year is an opportunity to evaluate whether the structure we’ve been building upon befits the church’s one foundation.  I came away from this year’s annual meeting convinced that we are not only on the right track—we are poised to engage our collective calling with creativity and renewed energy!  As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, I am excited to see how the energy and experience of our new council can help us recalibrate our mission moving forward.  There is much to look forward to in 2023!

Jesus was a craftsman who worked with wood and stone.  He knew how to put a building up right.  He transferred those skills into his work with people.  Jesus doesn’t expect us to build upon his foundation with skills we alone can muster.  Instead, he invites us to become apprenticed to him and sends us the Holy Spirit, so we can learn all we need to know to build a home—a community, a mission, a way of life—that will endure.

When the life we share is founded on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ instead of the shifting sands of the priorities and practices the world offers, our lives remain secure no matter what circumstances we face.  The house that faith builds is a fit habitation and a firm launching platform for our mission.

With you on the Way,

Pastor Erik

At its Annual Meeting on January 29, 2023, Peace congregation approved the Creation Care Team (CCT) Action Plan 2023-2029, to make Peace Lutheran carbon neutral by 2030.  You can find the actions planned for 2023 herePeace Lutheran Church 2023 Climate Action Plan

For the ultra adventurous and curious, you can find the whole five year plan here: Peace Lutheran Church 2023-2029 Climate Action Plan 12-6-22

To view a presentation of the action plan, see the video below.


For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team



Cover image 1.29.23

Our Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, January 29, 2023, following an abbreviated worship service.  The participation of all confirmed/voting members is strongly encouraged! :-)

Special activities for children will be available following worship, and food snacks will be available for all ages.

Annual reports will be available at the meeting.  Election of new leaders, funding our mission in 2023, Creation Care proposal are on the docket.

To join us via our YouTube Live Stream Channel, click HERE

The worship guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 4A 2023 1.29.23 bulletin