Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

The season of Advent is upon us beginning NOVEMBER 27th, carrying with it two simultaneous visions of our expectations:

  • we await yet again the birth of the babe in the manger,
  • and we also await Christ’s coming again to fulfill all things.

The season begins @ 9:00am with ADVENT FEST, a cross-generational event featuring stations for assembling Advent logs, cardmaking, paperwhites, crafts, breakfast snacks, plus a few new stations to enjoy… all the tools and items you need to begin marking the Season of Advent at home.

Worship follows @ 10:30am, and during Advent this year we are marking the “holy disruption” that Christ’s coming brings, with a fourfold rhythm BREATHING… RELEASING… RECEIVING… REJOICING.  We’ll light the first Advent Candle and listen for how clues of God’s presence in the Holy Disruption is a sign of hope rather than despair.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The worship guide can be downloaded here: Advent 1A 2022 11.27.22 bulletin  If you cannot join us in IN-PERSON, you can join via our Live Stream channel:




11.20.22 cover image

Welcome to Worship – We’re Glad you Found Us!

On Christ Reigns/Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday of the Church Year, we come face to face with the a king whose throne is the cross.  There we find God hidden in the Crucified One who, in his last moments, reaches out to bless another who is condemned.

Worship begins at 10:30am.  You can view our YouTube Live Stream recording of this service HERE.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 11/20/22 service can be downloaded here: Pentecost 29C 11.20.22 Christ reigns bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik Kindem

Offset-Carbon-Footprint-Banner-MobileThe Creation Care Team would love to have congregation members weigh in on how our budget dollars are allocated among three carbon offset projects:

  • Reforestation via handmade cookstoves in Malawi, Africa, benefitting about 200,000 people by improving livelihood, preventing deforestation and reducing respiratory diseases, burns and greenhouse gas emissions (UN Project 9935)
  • A solar power plant in India providing clean power to the Indian grid and both permanent and temporary local jobs (UN Project 7088)
  • Burgos Wind Project generating clean energy in the Philippines, helping the livelihood of communities, partnering with local government agencies, and responding to the needs of the residents in times of disasters (UN Project 7980)

Look for our Creation Care bulletin board display in the Narthex. We’ll be inviting sticker voting after church on November 13th and 20th. Or you can tell us your preferences electronically before Nov. 20th by clicking

For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team

11.13.22 cover artWelcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

Worship this Sunday begins with a recognition of Veterans.  November 13th is also INTENTION SUNDAY and the first of two Sundays culminating our BUILDING A CULTURE OF GENEROSITY Stewardship Campaign. 

Worship begins at 10:30am.  You can find the YouTube Live Stream recording HERE.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

PASS THE HAT.  Our Pass the Hat partner ministry this month is Lutheran Counseling Network, and Janet Cederberg will be with us to share about this vital ministry.

The Worship Guide for the 11/13/22 service can be downloaded here: Pentecost 28C 11.13.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

Cover art 11.6.22Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

On this ALL SAINTS Sunday we remember all those whose lives of faith have helped to shape our own.  We will lift up in a particular way the lives of two Peace saints who joined the church triumphant in the past year: Al Bartol and Cal Seibel.

All present will be invited to bring a framed photo of the person or persons you would like to have present in remembrance.  These “saints” will surround us in our wor­ship nave during the service, a great cloud of witnesses reminding us of their impact upon our lives of faith and of the promise both they and we have received through Christ Jesus of an eternal life with God.

Adult Ed via ZOOM starts at 8:30am.  Family Sunday school begins @ 9:00 am.   

Worship follows at 10:30am and the Peace Ringers and Peace Choir will both offer music to augment this festive Sunday.

Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 11/6/22 service can be downloaded here:Pentecost 27C All Saints Sunday 2022 11.6.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”

Luke 6:38

Beloved of God,

November is a month of Thanksgiving in more ways than one.  It begins with our celebration of ALL THE SAINTS on November 6th and the lifting up of their legacy to us in faith.  That legacy has been impressed upon me each year as we re­member those from our community who have gone on to join the heavenly chorus.  Some of those Peace saints have chosen to leave a legacy gift so that ministry through our congregation could continue with strength even though they were no longer present to contribute regular offerings.   Some will recall how, on the cusp of our congregation’s 75th Anniver­sary celebration in 2019, we learned that founding Peace Pastor Luther Anderson and his wife Lilian had left a bequest to Peace in their will.  Their generous gift and foresight helped enable us to complete our narthex remodel project on time.  Talk about God timing!  But more than that, their legacy gift reminded us that building A CULTURE OF GENEROSITY at Peace has been part of our congregation’s DNA from the beginning. (You can read more about the timely gift from the Andersons HERE.)

As we bring our ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN to a conclusion this month, our theme: BUILDING A CULTURE OF GENEROSITY is an invitation to continue the legacy of those Peacefolk who have come before us.  But it’s more than that.  It’s an opportunity to reflect on the impact the ministries of Peace are making in our lives and the lives of our households now and to envision how—through our intentional choice to grow our own generosity—we can make certain that Christ’s mission through Peace will continue to impact lives within and beyond our doors for years to come.

The MISSION MOMENT speakers during this campaign have each testified to the role that cultivating generosity is play­ing in their lives.  Amazingly, during the last three pandemic years new avenues of generosity have been in evidence at Peace, enabling us to continue ministry with strength and purpose in spite of the pressures the pandemic has brought to bear.

Generosity is more than a concept—it is a way of life we are called to make our own. Not out of guilt. Not because someone is twisting our arm.  Not so that we can bargain with God.  We cultivate generosity in our lives because we see such generosity reflected in the very design of the universe, in the superabundance of natural world, the life of Him who emptied himself so that we might be filled.  In the life we share with other siblings in Christ at Peace.

How will we grow our congregation’s “mission footprint” in 2023?  How will we meet the challenges that beset our world while grounding ourselves in the compassion and hope that comes with knowing we are part of the KIN-DOM of God?   Generosity will be a crucial ingredient in how all this plays out.  Our growth in generosity—multiplied like loaves and fishes—will bring our plans and ideas to fruition.  We’ll get there, together.

With you on the Way,

Pastor Erik




After a pandemic hiatus, the Holiday Bazaar at Peace Lutheran returns this year.  Come join us on Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 2pm, and Sunday, November 13 from 12pm to 2pm.

Details can be found here: Holiday Bazaar Flyer 2022 FINAL 11.1.22

We hope to see you!


. The stained glass art was created by a team of artisans led by Rod Scott of Architectural Glassarts. It is used by permission.

. The stained glass art was created by a team of artisans led by Rod Scott of Architectural Glassarts. It is used by permission.

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

On this REFORMATION SUNDAY we celebrate the unearned gift of God’s unconditional love and grace, which are ours through the Crucified and Risen One.  The “five solas,” three of which are represented in the stained glass art to the left, became watchwords of the Reformation movement, reminders that reconciliation with God and neighbor is not something we achieve by our own power, but rather is a gift made available to us freely through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We receive this gift “by grace, through faith.”  The five solas are: by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for God’s Glory alone.

Adult Ed via ZOOM starts at 8:30am.  Sunday school classes begin @ 9:15am.   

Worship follows at 10:30am.  The Peace Ringers and Peace Choir will offer music on this festive Sunday.

Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 10/30/22 service can be downloaded here: Pentecost 26C Reformation Sunday 2022 10.30.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

JESUS MAFA. The Pharisee and the Publican, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN

JESUS MAFA. The Pharisee and the Publican, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

Our gospel parable is a familiar one: two men to to the Temple to pray – a Pharisee and a tax collector.  What might it teach us about the kind of God we have?

Adult Ed via ZOOM starts at 8:30am.  Sunday school classes begin @ 9:15am.   

Worship follows at 10:30am.  Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 10/23/22 service is available here: Pentecost 25C 2022 10.23.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

Agony: A Cry for Justice, by Ronnie Farmer Jr. Used by permission.

Agony: A Cry for Justice, by Ronnie Farmer Jr. Used by permission.

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

This Sunday we hear Jesus speak of the persistence of a widow who refuses to be ignored in her quest for justice.  Our Pass the Hat partner this month is Lutheran Community Services Northwest.  LCSNW representative Kelly McDonald will be bringing with her pieces from a traveling art show produced by refugee folk who have resettled in the Northwest.  The art, which reflects on their experiences, will remain with us through the end of October.


Adult Ed via ZOOM starts at 8:30am.  Sunday school classes begin @ 9:15am.   

Worship follows at 10:30am.  Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 10/9/22 service is available here: Pentecost 24C 2022 10.16.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik