Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Naaman washes in the Jordan

Naaman washes in the Jordan

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

This Sunday is about healing and gratitude.  In 2 Kings Naaman, washing in the Jordan after Elisha’s command, finds himself cured of leprosy.  In Luke, Jesus heals 10 lepers and one returns to express his gratitude.

The morning begins with Sunday school classes at 9:15am.   

Worship follows at 10:30am.  Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 10/9/22 service is available here: Pentecost 23C 2022 10.9.22 bulletin

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

“I am grateful to God…when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.  Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you.”

1 Timothy 3:1-3

Beloved Siblings in Christ,

I remember with fondness and gratitude the letters my mother wrote, faithfully and dependably, during the years when I and my young family were separated by the miles from the rest of the family.  Those letters in her neat, careful script (before emails and social media were a thing!) were her way of extending her love and making our connection even stronger.  Later, when we moved closer so I could begin seminary, we had the privilege of being together on a regular basis, often traveling “over the river and through the woods” to join the rest of the family for holidays and special occasions.  To this day I don’t know how Mom, with all her other obligations, managed to find time to write those letters.  I see it now for what it was—a true act of generosity.

Paul’s second letter to Timothy is like those letters I received from home – personal, affectionate, encouraging.  Paul longs to see his young co-worker in the flesh.  He knows there is no substitute for the joy of being physically together. Because we are, as Paul says elsewhere, members of the one body of Christ, we need each other to be whole.  No one can be a Christian alone.  This is a primary reason why our efforts are trained on inviting you back into the rhythm of in-person worship and activities at Peace.  Your physical presence—makes all the difference, for without you we are not the same!  The wonderful level of participation on Rally Sunday was a resounding affirmation of the truth that in baptism God has made us siblings and called us into community together.  Ours is an EMBODIED faith, and you, dearly beloved, are physical embodiments of the gracious presence of the triune God.  Gathering together around God’s word and sacraments, beholding each other, making new connections, strengthening bonds for mission, discovering gifts—all this grows from being together.  (BTW, if you missed my sermon on September 18 where I explore this idea further, you can request a copy or find it HERE.)

October is month of harvests.  In coming weeks our family will make its annual trek to the Snoqualmie Valley to celebrate the generous way which Earth brings forth its gifts so that all might be fed.  The month will also include keeping an eye out for returning salmon in the Cedar River and Fauntleroy Creek—Sockeye and Coho making their final journey to spawn a new generation.  If there is a more profound picture of generosity in nature, I know it not, for these salmon come, as David Duncan has written, to nail “their shining bodies to lonely beds of gravel, not for anything they stand to gain, but that tiny silver offspring and 300 salmon-eating species of flora and fauna may live and thrive.”[1]  God’s benevolent, abundant design is behind it all—the Great Giver.

This month we will be launching our annual giving campaign—the first in three years—under the theme: CULTIVATING A CULTURE OF GENEROSITY AT PEACE.  Over a six week period we’ll explore this theme in a variety of ways, hearing from a variety of voices about the IMPACT Peace ministries are having in our lives and the larger community. Just as Christ did not live for himself alone, we do not live for ourselves alone.  The salmon knows this.  We know it too.  The gifts and resources with which God has blessed us are meant to be pooled and shared, bolstering our mission in Christ’s name in strategic ways, seeding a new generation, equipping us to continue our good work for the sake of this world God so loves.  I sense a growing momentum as I sit in on ZOOM meetings and hear of ideas and plans for growing our congregation’s “mission footprint” in 2023.  Generosity will be a crucial ingredient in bringing those plans and ideas to fruition.

With you on the Way, Pastor Erik

[1] David James Duncan, God Laughs and Plays. P. 167

St. Francis, (c) Jenn Norton. Used by permission.

St. Francis, (c) Jenn Norton. Used by permission.

Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

This Sunday we lift up the life and ministry of St. Francis of Assisi.  Francis was the son of a wealthy cloth merchant. In a public confrontation with his father, he renounced his wealth and future inheritance and devoted himself to serving the poor. Francis described this act as being “wedded to Lady Poverty.” St. Francis is also deeply remembered for his relationship with non-human creatures in the natural world. On the first Sunday of October each year we remember St. Francis’s ministry to the poor and to “all creatures of our God and King.”  In many ecumenical circles, the Feast of St. Francis also marks the end of an international Season of Creation.

The morning begins with Family Sunday school at 9:15am.   This year during FSS we will be learning about Saints, both familiar and lesser known. We begin with Saint Francis.

Worship follows at 10:30am.  Join us IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link.   Holy Communion will be celebrated.

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 10/2/22 service is available here: Pentecost 22C 2022 10.2.22 bulletin St. Francis

A day rich in the gifts and grace of God awaits us!  Come and see!

Pastor Erik

Rich Man & Lazarus, (c) James Janknegt,

Rich Man & Lazarus, (c) James Janknegt,

Consideration of and care for those in need (especially those “at our gate,” visible to us, of whom we are aware) is an essential component of following Christ. It is in the sharing of wealth that we avoid the snare of wealth. It is the one whom death could not hold—who comes to us risen from the death grip of greed.

Join us for worship either IN PERSON or via this YouTube Live Stream Link.  

MASKING for worship and educational activities is now optional Some folks will continue to wear masks, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministers will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.  Together, we continue to exercise care with our own health and to maintain proper distance as a way of caring for others.

The Worship Guide for the 9/25/22 service is available here: Pentecost 21C 2022 9.25.22 bulletin

With you on the Way.

Pastor Erik

9.19.22 cover artSeptember 18th is Rally Sunday at Peace, and the beginning of a new program year.  It’s a time to re-connect, re-discover, re-engage, and re-join.

Rally Sunday will begin with cross-generational activities at 9:15am, followed by worship @ 10:30 and post-worship fellowship and mission fair @ 11:30

Our theme for the day is—WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST: Everyone has an important role.   It will be a time for re-connecting with each other after long separation (and for some newer members, meeting others for the first time); a time for re-discovering our place within the vibrant community of Peace Lutheran; a time for re-engaging in the ministry opportunities that are present in our community;  a time for re-joining the pattern of weekly education and worship as together we encounter God’s word and receive the Sacrament so we can be equipped for lives of service in God’s world.

One year ago, after 18 months of pandemic “live stream only” isolation, we began worshipping “IN PERSON” again at Peace.  Now it is time to take another step toward full in-person engagement. 

MASKING UPDATE: Beginning September 18, masking for worship and educational activities will be optional Some folks will continue to wear masks in worship, and Pastor Kindem and the assisting ministry will continue to wear masks while distributing Holy Communion.  Others will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without  masks.

As we take this step toward fuller in-person engagement in our community’s life and mission once again, I look forward to seeing more of you, to introducing you to new faces and people, and to revitalizing the mission we share.

The Worship Guide for the 9/18/22 service is available here: Pentecost 20C 2022 9.18.22 bulletin

To join us via our YouTube Live Stream @ 10:30am, follow this LINK.

With you on the Way.

Pastor Erik

Parable of the Good Shepherd, Jan van 't Hoff.

Parable of the Good Shepherd, Jan van ‘t Hoff.


We invite you to join us IN-PERSON for worship on September 11 @ 10:30am.  Currently, masks are required at in-person services and are available, if needed.  (Masks become optional beginning September 18.)

Once a month we receive a mission update from one of our Pass the Hat partner ministries. This month that partner is Lutheran Campus Ministry.  Our guest preacher this Sunday is Pastor Chelsea Globe, Lutheran Campus Pastor at the University of Washington. Gifts can also be mailed in or submitted via our Tithely electronic giving portal

September 11 is also GOD’S WORK-OUR HANDS SUNDAY.  Following worship a crew from Peace will be heading over to Roxhill Bog for a service event from 1:00 to 3:00.  We will help to remove invasive plants as part of the bog restoration project.  

If you were unable to sign up for this event, you are nonetheless welcome to participate.  Wear long pants, long sleeves, and good sturdy shoes. If you have gloves and clipping tools, please bring these also. Additional gloves and tools will be available for those who do not have them. You can pack a picnic lunch to eat with others at Roxhill park at noon before the work begins.

The service will also be Live Streamed on our Peace YouTube Channel @  10:30am.

A PDF copy of the Service Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 19C 2022 9.11.22 bulletin

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ…Now you are the body of Christ and individually members  of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:12, 26

Beloved of God,


One year ago, after 18 months of pandemic “live stream only” isolation, we began worshipping “IN PERSON” again.  The joy of worshipping together in shared physical space was palpable!  It may have felt a bit risky at first, but data-driven health protocols implemented by our Safe Opening Task Force (SOTF) enabled us to gather safely over the past 12 months.  Now it is time to take another step toward full in-person engagement.

Beginning September 18, masking for worship and educational activities will be optional(Read more about this decision and details in the report from the SOTF on page2.) Why September 18?  September 18th is Rally Sunday and the beginning of a new program year at Peace, a date our worship and education teams and church council have chosen to invite the people of Peace to re-connect, re-discover, re-engage, and re-join.

Rally Sunday will begin with cross-generational activities at 9:15am, followed by worship @ 10:30 and post-worship fellowship and mission fair @ 11:30.  Our theme for the day is—WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST: Everyone has an important role.  (Read more on page 3.)  It will be a time for re-connecting with each other after long separation (and for some newer members, meeting others for the first time); a time for re-discovering our place within the vibrant community of Peace Lutheran; a time for re-engaging in the ministry opportunities that are present in our community;  a time for re-joining the pattern of weekly education and worship as together we encounter God’s word and receive the Sacrament so we can be equipped for lives of service in God’s world.

Some of you will continue to wear masks in worship, and no one will discourage you from doing so or look at you askance if you do.  I myself will continue to wear a mask at points in the service and while distributing Holy Communion.  Others of you will be ready to participate in worship and Sunday School without a mask.  Soon the SOTF will send out a survey out to help gauge how you and/or your household may be affected by the new protocol and we urge you to respond.

As we take this step toward fuller in-person engagement in our community’s life and mission once again, I look forward to seeing more of you, to introducing you to new faces and people, and to revitalizing the mission we share.

With you on the Way.

Pastor Erik



Invited and inviting—that is the nature of the church. By God’s grace in holy baptism we have a place at Christ’s banquet table. Who is missing? Hebrews calls us to remember them, and Jesus tells us to invite them in. When, by the power of that same Spirit, humility and mutual love continue among us, the body of Christ can become more expansive still.

We invite you to join us IN-PERSON for worship August 28 @ 9:30am.  Currently, masks are required at in-person services and are available, if needed.

The service will also be Live Streamed on our Peace YouTube Channel @  9:30am.

A PDF copy of the Service Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 17C 2022 8.28.22 bulletin

Jesus and Bent Over Woman, (c) Barbara Schwarz OP,

Jesus and Bent Over Woman, (c) Barbara Schwarz OP,


Is the Sabbath a legal framework or a graceful gift?  Call the sabbath a delight. This is the Lord’s day, and the Lord will do for us what the Lord does: feed us, forgive us, help and heal us.

Today we will celebrate Holy Communion.  Christ is the host of this meal of grace and offers himself fully, body and blood, in the bread and wine.  All are welcome to meet him at the Table.

Our Pass the Hat partner for August is Camp Lutherwood. This year Lutherwood is celebrating its 75th Anniversary as a ministry partner with congregations throughout the Northwest Washington.  Nestled in the evergreen trees along the north shore of Lake Samish about 10 miles South of Bellingham, Lutherwood has since 1946 been running programs for campers of all ages on their 103 acres of beautiful waterfront and forest land. Lutherwood is the perfect place for summer camp opportunities, family camping, retreats all year round, family reunions, assemblies and various other gatherings.  Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 9:30am Worship Service.

The service will also be Live Streamed on our Peace YouTube Channel @  9:30am.

Masks are required at in-person services and are available, if needed.

A PDF copy of the Service Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 16C 2022 8.21.22 bulletin


This week, Pastor Erik Kindem returns to the pulpit.  Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 9:30am Worship Service. 

Across the ages, God inspires faith among the men and women who have come to put their trust in God’s promises.  Jesus says, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” It is God’s promise from the beginning—to Abraham and Sarah, to the early church, and to the “little flock” of which we are a part in today’s assembly. Faith, God’s baptismal gift, trusts the promises of God. Have no fear.

The service will also be Live Streamed on our Peace YouTube Channel @  9:30am.

Masks are required and are available, if needed.

A PDF copy of the Service Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 14C 2022 8.7.22 bulletin