Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Ash Wed cover artOn March 2nd we cross the threshold into LENT.

If you would like to join us for our Ash Wednesday Service on March 2nd, you may use the link that follows to reserve space for yourself and/or your household

Please note: reserve only ONE SPOT on Eventbrite, whether you are a single person, a couple, or a family group.  This helps us avoid double booking of seating space for unrelated attendees.  Thank you!

If you wish to tune into the Live Stream broadcast of the service on Wednesday @ 7:00pm, click HERE

On Ash Wednesday we begin our forty-day journey with Christ toward the cross and empty tomb.  Marking our foreheads with ash, we acknowledge that we are destined to die and return to the Earth. At the same time, the ash traces the life-giving cross indelibly marked on our foreheads at baptism. While we journey together through this season, our relationship with God through the covenant of baptism is renewed. Returning to our baptismal call, we are set free to more intentionally bear the fruits of mercy and justice in the world.

A copy of the worship bulletin can be downloaded here: Ash Wednesday C 3.2.22 bulletin

Transfiguration by Lewis Bowman

Transfiguration by Lewis Bowman


We have resumed In-Person worship.  If you would like to join us for worship on February 27,  Transfiguration Sunday, you may use the link that follows to reserve space for yourself and/or your household

Please note: reserve only ONE SPOT on Eventbrite, whether you are a single person, a couple, or a family group.  This helps us avoid double booking of seating space for unrelated attendees.  Thank you!

If you wish to tune into the Live Stream broadcast of the service @ 10:30am Sunday, click HERE

This Sunday we follow Jesus and his companions up the mountain where he undergoes a metamorphosis in the company of Moses and Elijah.

A copy of the worship bulletin can be downloaded here: Epiphany Transfiguration C 2022 2.27.22 bulletin


We will resume In-Person Worship beginning Sunday, February 27th.  Our Live Stream service will continue to be offered on our Live Stream YouTube channel at 10:30am each Sunday.

To reserve your place at worship, go to EVENTBRITE and sign up. Remember to only reserve ONE SPACE for your self or family group.

February 27th is Transfiguration Sunday and the final Sunday before the beginning of Lent.  Holy Communion will be celebrated.

The Recognition of Joseph by his Brothers. Fresco by Peter Cornelius, 1816

The Recognition of Joseph by his Brothers. Fresco by Peter Cornelius, 1816


OUR PAUSE OF IN-PERSON WORSHIP CONCLUDES WITH THIS SUNDAY SERVICE.  Beginning February 27 we will resume In-Person worship.  Live Stream worship will continue.

To join our Live Stream @ 10:30am, click HERE.   A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 7C 2022 2.20.22 bulletin



WE ARE PAUSING IN PERSON WORSHIP for the time being, until COVID numbers go down and it is safe to return. We invite you to join our YouTube Live Stream this Sunday, February 13th.

To join our Live Stream @ 10:30am, click HERE.   A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 6C 2022 2.13.22 bulletin

Our PASS THE HAT Partner during February is the Duwamish River Community Coalition, based in South Park.  Established in 2001, the DRCC provides resources, knowledge, and action to build more just environmental futures.  Their mission is to elevate the voice of those impacted by the Duwamish River pollution and other environmental injustices for a clean, healthy, equitable environment for people and wildlife.

DRCC Executive Director Paulina Lopez will join us via video on Sunday to share more about their mission.  To gain a deeper impression of the work of the DRCC and the work on cleaning up the Duwamish River, you can view this recently produced VIDEO, featuring Duwamish Cleanup Manager James Rasmussen.

Peter listens to Jesus, and the result is astounding.

Peter listens to Jesus, and the result is astounding.


Given the rapid rise of the omicron variant infections in King County, WE ARE PAUSING IN PERSON WORSHIP for the time being, until it is safe to return.   We invite you to join our YouTube Live Stream this Sunday, February 6th.

This Sunday we hear two Call narratives, one from Isaiah and the other from the Gospel of Luke. In the reading from Luke we meet Peter, the fisherman, for the first time and watch as his life is forever changed.

To join our Live Stream @ 10:30am, click HERE.   A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 5C 2022 2.6.22 bulletin

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. 

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

– Isaiah 43:18-19a

Beloved of God,

It’s called “S.O.B. DAY”—but it’s not what you may think.  At Holden Village, S.O.B. DAY = Sun Over Buckskin Day—the first time in the New Year that the sun, in its circuit across the sky, rides high enough that its light is no longer blocked by the pinnacle of Buckskin Mountain, allowing its rays to shine directly on the Railroad Creek Valley floor and illuminate the heart of the Village.  Occurring later in February, SOB Day is an occasion for celebration as Villagers dig shorts and tank tops out of their closets, pull out the barbecue, and bask simultaneously in the long-awaited sunshine as well as in the astronomical certainty that summer warmth will, in fact, return.

Within the life of our parish, when the calendar flips to February it means that the Annual Meeting is now behind us.  We’ve reviewed the year past, shared a snapshot of the present, and have begun turning our focus toward the NEW THING that awaits in 2022.  The prophet’s words (above) remind us that keeping our attention mired in the past is not a good strategy.  True, we draw lessons from the past—but if we allow ourselves to be anchored there we run the risk of missing that “new thing” springing forth from God’s hand.  Congregations that dwell on the past instead of focusing on the future tend to languish.

One of the items that reached my email inbox this week was an article on assisted migration for trees from the Trees for Seattle program.  The article points out how populations of trees migrate to areas with more favorable conditions after change occurs in their environment, especially climate change.  Human-caused climate change is more extreme than natural changes and is happening more quickly than many trees can adapt.  Communities and scientists are concerned that if tree species can’t keep up with these changes, they may be lost entirely.  One response to this reality has been to assist trees with migrating by planting them in places they would likely move to given enough time.  This process is called assisted migration.  Trees are planted in these new places with the hope that they will flourish and carry on the legacy of their species.  Like any intervention to natural systems, assisted migration comes with risks.  As the peril for tree species increases across the globe, communities, scientists, and land managers are forming networks to compare ideas for how to reduce risks and develop best practices for supporting tree survival in the face of our rapidly changing climate.

Reading this article set me to wondering whether we, as people of faith, could offer “assisted migration service” to folks who find it hard to adapt to the new realities constantly cropping up in our world.  Might we be the kind of forward-looking community that anticipates the challenges that 21st Century realities bring and that offers up the resources of faith to help one another negotiate those changes and challenges?  It’s worth pondering.



Given the rapid rise of the omicron variant infections in King County, WE ARE PAUSING IN PERSON WORSHIP for the time being, until it is safe to return.   We invite you to join our YouTube Live Stream this Sunday, January 30th.

This Sunday we hear Scripture texts from 1 Corinthians 13 and Luke 4.   The story in Luke follows the drama that ensues after Jesus’ hometown sermon in Nazareth goes off the rails. 

To join our Live Stream @ 10:30am, click HERE.   A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 4C 2022 1.30.22 bulletin

Following worship, at 12 noon, we will host our annual Congregation Meeting.  There are two ways to participate:

(1) by joining our live stream meeting @ 12 noon via this LINK.

(2) by joining via the ZOOM link that was sent to congregation members on Friday, January 28.  (The same ZOOM invite will be sent again to members on Sunday morning.)

If you would like a copy of the Annual Bulletin of Reports, please make your request to Pastor Erik Kindem.




At our congregational meeting on January 30, 2022, the Creation Care Team of Peace will present a resolution on carbon neutrality for consideration.  The text of the resolution and the background leading to its creation can be found here: Resolution 2022-1 carbon neutrality

To PREVIEW the Video introducing the resolution, click below.


For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team


Given the rapid rise of the omicron variant infections in King County, WE ARE PAUSING IN PERSON WORSHIP for the time being, until our Safe Opening Task Force determines it is safe to return. 

On January 16th we honored the legacies of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Archbishop Desmond Tutu this Sunday.

To view the Live Stream recording of this service click HERE

A copy of the Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 2C 2022 MLK 1.16.22 bulletin