Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Art by Jan van't Hoffm used by permission

Art by Jan van’t Hoffm used by permission

Welcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

In-Person Worship is held each Sunday @ 10:30am in our church building.  We are also have a Live Stream option for those who desire.

For the time being, In-Person attendance is limited and masking is mandatory.  If you wish to join us in-person, you may use the link that follows to reserve space for yourself and/or your household HERE:

If you prefer to join us via our Live Stream @ 10:30am Sunday, click HERE.  You can also download a copy of the worship bulletin here: Pentecost 20B 2021 9.19.21 bulletin


Find your gloves and pull out your T-shirt!  We’re marking GOD’S WORK – OUR HANDS Sunday on September 19th this year by joining hands with Friends of Lincoln Park.  We’ll exercise our faith by heading to LP after morning worship.  Arrive @ 11:30ish and enjoy a sack lunch (BYO) before starting the project, which will run until about 2pm.

FLiP promises us a good workout and lots of eco-karma. 😊 Good for the environment and good for your health!  To REGISTER, click on this LINK.

Be sure to wear your GOD’S WORK/OUR HANDS T-SHIRT on the 19th!  If you need a T-shirt, check with Pastor Kindem.  This day is for young and old alike!

NOTE: Volunteers must wear masks at the gathering/introduction area but have the option of removing masks once we spread out (distanced) and are working.

Cover photoWelcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

In-Person Worship is held each Sunday @ 10:30am in our church building.  We are also have a Live Stream option for those who desire.

For the time being, In-Person attendance is limited and masking is mandatory.  If you wish to join us in-person, you may use the link that follows to reserve space for yourself and/or your household:

If you prefer to join us via our Live Stream @ 10:30am Sunday, click HERE.  You can also download a copy of the worship bulletin here: Pentecost 19B 2021 9.12.21 bulletin

THEME FOR WORSHIP: Three weeks ago we heard Peter’s confession of faith as told in John’s gospel. This week we hear Mark’s version, when Peter says, “You are the Messiah.”  In John, the stumbling block is Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh, given for the life of the world.  In Mark too the scandal has to do with Jesus’ words about his own coming death, and here Peter himself stumbles over Jesus’ words. But Jesus is anointed (the meaning of messiah) in Mark only on the way to the cross (14:3); so we are anointed in baptism with the sign of the cross, the sign that we live within the new FRAMING STORY of what God has done and is doing in Christ.


“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies. For while we live, we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be made visible in our mortal flesh.”   – 2 Corinthians 4:8-11

Beloved of God,

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!  We did it together!  Our first IN-PERSON WORSHIP on August 29 went smoothly and without a hitch!  This was due in no small part to the hours of preparatory work put in by members of our Live Stream, Safe Opening, Worship Teams and other volunteers over the last month—not to mention the Holy Spirit brooding over, with, and through us.   Many thanks to every person whose care and labors both behind the scenes and in front contributed to making this day special!  As I said on Sunday, this is but the first step in what we hope will become a steady march toward renewing the ways of being together that we were forced to abandon 18 mos. ago.  The body of Christ known as Peace is not yet whole, and the coronavirus is not yet in the rearview mirror, but in spite of this, our congregation remains dedicated to its mission; RESILIENT, DETERMINED, and STRONG!  Thanks be to God!

For the time being we will continue to limit worship attendance to 75 persons and use a SIGN-UP PLATFORM as a means for you to RESERVE YOUR SPACE each Sunday.   We’re asking you to RESERVE YOUR PLACE FOR WORSHIP BY THURSDAY @ 4pm each week.  (NOTE: If you plan to come to worship alone and are willing to SHARE your half of the pew with one additional person or couple, you can indicate this on the reservation form.  This will allow us to admit more individuals while maintaining the 3ft. physical distance protocol.)  In consultation with other synod congregations, the Worship Team has been working on a method for distributing Holy Communion safely.  We look forward to celebrating Holy Communion during worship later this month.  Stay tuned for the exact date, which will be communicated as soon as it is certain.

As we continue to live stream our IN-PERSON services, there are other considerations.  For example, those attending on-Person may see their face or image showing up in the live stream recording.  If you sign up for In-Person worship, we want you to be aware of that.  We want those at home to have the experience of being among the worshipping community in the sanctuary.  This means not only showing our worship leaders on screen but other participants.  By signing up for In-Person worship, you are consenting to being part of the live stream recording, and it’s important that you are aware of this fact.

Many of you know that recently the Church Council allocated money for rekeying every lock in the building.  In the process, we also added new locks to some doors for which there hadn’t been locks before.  After the locksmith spent two days rekeying the locks we began distributing the new keys, only to find out that some of the old keys continued to allow access to the building.  So the locksmith returned a second time and went through the process all over again.  The new keys that were created as a result of the fix were still being distributed when we discovered that some of the newest keys didn’t open doors they were supposed to open!  So, as I write, we’re expecting the locksmith to return a third and (hopefully) final time.  Here’s my point: 18 months ago we entered a new world and were forced to make all kinds of adjustments to the circumstances in which we found ourselves.

Now, as we move forward into the next phase of our life together with simultaneous in-person and live stream options, we’re once again in the position of having to “recalibrate” what our life together looks like.  As we do so we’re likely to discover that some of our carefully devised protocols will prove ungainly and will not serve their intended purpose, thus we will need to adjust accordingly.  I suspect this will happen a number of times before we “get things right”—at which time some other issue or edict from the powers that be might compel us to go back to the drawing board and “re-key” once more!

In this context, patience, flexibility, and forbearance are three key spiritual gifts that will enable us to function well as we venture forth together, “not always knowing where we go,” as the prayer says, but trusting that God’s hand is leading us, God’s love is supporting us, and the Spirit is guiding us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

With you on the Way,

Pastor Erik




Picture2Welcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

In-Person Worship is held each Sunday @ 10:30am in our church building.  We are also have a Live Stream option for those who desire.

You can view our Live Stream for 9/5/21 HERE.  You can also download a copy of the worship bulletin here: Pentecost 18B 2021 9.5.21 bulletin WORD

If you’re considering joining our in-person service, you can sign up and reserve a spot HERE.

HaitiIn the wake of the recent devastating earthquake and hurricane, the people of Haiti are in desperate need of support.  You can be part of the effort to respond by contributing to one of our Lutheran partner organizations that is working right now on the ground in Haiti.  Following these links will bring you to their secure giving pages.  Or, if you prefer, you can mail in a check to our church office and we will forward it to the organization of your choice.  Here are the links: Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran World Relief.

Afghan crisis webinar coverOver the past several weeks we have watched the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan in the wake of imminent US withdrawal.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, one of the leading resettlement organizations in the country, has put out a call to individuals and congregations to come to the aid of our Afghani allies and other vulnerably Afghans seeking safe haven.  You can watch this LIRS WEBINAR to learn more about the Afghan crisis and how you can help HERE.

You can learn more about specific options in the Seattle area, including volunteering where you live, HERE.


Welcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

August 29th marked our return to In-Person Worship @ 10:30am in our church building.  We are also continue to Live Stream our In-Person Worship Service for those who desire.

For the time being, In-Person attendance is limited and masking is mandatory.  If you wish to join us in-person, you may use the link that follows to reserve space for yourself and/or your household for an upcoming In-Person worship service:

If you prefer to join us via our Live Stream @ 10:30am Sunday, click HERE.  You can also download a copy of the worship bulletin here: Pentecost 17B 8.29.2021 LEDGER


bulletin coverWelcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

In today’s gospel many people take offense at Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh and drink his blood; even many of Jesus’ disciples peel off. This is the backdrop in John’s gospel for Peter’s confession of faith. “To whom can we go?” asks Peter, in words we sometimes sing just before the gospel is read. “You have the words of eternal life.” In order to take such a stand, Paul tells us to arm ourselves with the word of God. We pray in the Spirit that we might be bold ambassadors of the gospel.

You can view our Live Stream service for August 22nd by clicking HERE

A PDF of the worship guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 16B 2021 8.22.21 livestream bulletin

Beginning Sunday, August 29, we will offer an IN-PERSON WORSHIP SERVICE in our church building @ 10:30am.  In addition, we will continue to offer a Live Stream service for those unable to attend in-person.

Seating for In-Person Worship will be limited.  A reservation process will be in place.  If you have questions, please contact the church office.

cover artWelcome to Peace – we’re glad you’ve found us!

Today is the Feast Day of Mary, Mother of our Lord.  Mary’s role is not limited to giving birth to Jesus and mothering him in his childhood. In John’s gospel, she is among the women standing near the cross; in Acts, she is among the disciples awaiting the gift of the Spirit. Through all that happened she continued to see how God was at work through her son, keeping the ancient promises to her ancestors, brushing aside the rich and powerful, and focusing on those as poor and powerless as Mary herself.

Our Guest Preacher this morning is Peace member Boots Winterstein.

You can view our Live Stream service for August 15 by clicking on our YouTube Channel.

A PDF of the worship guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 15B 2021 8.15.21 livestream bulletin