Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Bulletin cover 1.21.24WELCOME TO PEACE!  

Due to a heating system issue in our building, this Sunday’s Worship Service will be Live Stream Only.  We hope to return to in-person worship very soon.

Today is Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday at Peace, an annual worship celebration created to share in the commitment our church and partnering faith communities in the ongoing work of welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church. 

Reconciling Works is our Pass the Hat Partner during the month of January.  Online gifts dedicated to our Pass the Hat partner, or to support our congregation’s ongoing mission, can be given via our secure Website Link.

Our guest preacher this week is Peace member Laura Bermes.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 3B RIC 1.21.24 bulletin FINAL

Cover photo 1.14.24 MLKWELCOME TO PEACE!  

Due to a major heating system issue in our building, this Sunday’s Worship Service will be Live Stream Only.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 2B 1.14.24 bulletin FINAL  (Modifications of the service will be necessary.)

Today we remember The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Pastor, Civil Rights Leader, and American prophet of justice, who inspired us with a vision of the Beloved Community.  Legislated desegregation was just the beginning; although laws could correct injustices of housing, education and employment, such legislation could not effect the change of hearts and minds which would foster true community.  A wholehearted integration of society was King’s hope and the hope of the movement he led.  Today we listen for the voice of God in the voices of prophets both ancient and modern.

We celebrate Christ’s presence in the Sacrament of the Table each week at Peace.  Christ, our Host, meets us in this meal of grace and offers himself,  fully embodied, in the bread and wine.  He invites all to come and meet him in this Holy Meal.



Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, in a world that can be filled with alienation and brokenness.  In faithfulness to the Gospel and to our Lutheran heritage, we answer Christ’s call to be agents of healing and safety, particularly for people who have been marginalized by our society.  As a Christian community, we invite all people to join us as we work to better understand the meaning of grace for our lives. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into the life and mission of our congregation.



Today as we mark the Baptism of our Lord we also pay attention to the stewardship of water on Earth—particularly the oceans, the “life engine” for our planet home.  The use and disposal of plastics have emerged in recent decades as a major threat to the health of Earth’s oceans, their creatures and habitats, and to the health of our own species as well.  A major focus of our ministry of Creation Care in 2024 will include exploring this issue and inviting us to reform our use of plastics. Our baptismal vocation includes not only stewarding our lives but caring for the watersheds which supply us with the water that fills our fonts and for the oceans to which all rivers flow.

We celebrate Christ’s presence in the Sacrament of the Table each week at Peace.  Christ, our Host, meets us in this meal of grace and offers himself,  fully embodied, in the bread and wine.  He invites all to come and meet him in this Holy Meal.



Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, in a world that can be filled with alienation and brokenness.  In faithfulness to the Gospel and to our Lutheran heritage, we answer Christ’s call to be agents of healing and safety, particularly for people who have been marginalized by our society.

As a Christian community, we invite all people to join us as we work to better understand the meaning of grace for our lives. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into the life and mission of our congregation.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Epiphany 1B 1.7.24 bulletin

“When the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching,

for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.”

– Mark 1:21-22

Beloved of God,

As we turn the calendar to 2024 (a “leap year”…which means we have one extra day to figure it all out, right?!), I’m reflecting on its inauspicious beginning for me personally.  COVID kept me sequestered in my bedroom for eight long days following Christmas.  On the one hand, it was an engraved invitation to catch up on my reading.  On the other hand, it was a blunt reminder of the mistaken notion that I have control over my life.  I need those reminders now and again.  And coming at the intersection of one year and the next seems oddly fitting .  But back to the reading…

A book on my Christmas list I was grateful to receive was Timothy Egan’s latest: Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them (Viking, 2023). To say I read the book would be a misnomer – I devoured it; due in no small part to Egan’s genius for turning historical non-fiction into page-turning drama.  Tracing the rise of the Ku Klux Klan’s white supremist movement in the post-WW1 American heartland (Indiana and Ohio particularly) makes for harrowing reading—heightened even more by that fact that this is history about which I knew absolutely nothing.  Yet, as Egan ably documents, the implications of where this movement could have ended up, how deeply it put at risk the foundational commitments of American democracy, are absolutely stunning.  Most remarkably, in the personalities, strategies, and political gamesmanship he uncovers from a century ago one finds immediate resonance within our current age.  Which is, no doubt, precisely as Egan intends.  I highly recommend the book.

Telling the truth is in short supply these days; lies and smoke screens flourish.  How to tell the difference?  The Season after Epiphany, which we’ll mark from now through February 11, focuses on the early ministry of Jesus as he gathers a community around himself and begins his ministry of teach and healing.  What stands out for those who have direct encounters with Jesus is his authority.  There’s no quibbling.  No hemming and hawing.  No saying one thing in front of the cameras and another thing in private.  His diagnosis and prescription are clear and direct:  Repent and believe the good news!

In an age where some swaths of the Christian-identifying public are falling in lock step behind leaders who are consummate charlatans, we need to raise up the clarion voice of Jesus.  For absent his voice we may become prey to all kinds of demagoguery.  The Seahawks have a tradition called TELL THE TRUTH MONDAY.  Watching the game film from the day before is a cure all for sidestepping missed assignments or blaming others.  The goal is simple: to own mistakes; to learn; to grow.

The Christian tradition has a similar tradition.  Let’s call it TELL THE TRUTH SUNDAY, the weekly occasion when we stand before God and one another with a mirror before us.  That mirror shows us things that we would rather not see, but when we have the courage to look into it we find in its reflective gaze that not only are we imperfect and flawed human beings, we are, at the same time, BELOVED. For in that gaze we see superimposed upon our image the image of the incarnate Christ.  And seeing him gives us hope and purpose:  there is a way forward; we can tell the truth about ourselves—for we know and trust that his love and forgiveness will be there for us, come what may.  For he told us so.

With you, on the Way,

Pastor Erik


Nativity, by James He Qi, used by permission.

Nativity, by James He Qi, used by permission.


Your presence here enriches our community. On this First Sunday after Christmas we follow the arc of the story of Christ’s incarnation, and through hymns and carols reflect on its meaning for us.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Christmas 1B 12.31.23 bulletin


The service begins at 10:30am, but we invite you to come early and enjoy warm drinks and special treats beginning at 10:00am. 

We’ve been marking Advent this year by entering in to All Creation Waits, a book written by Gayle Boss featuring 24 wild animals from North American habitats.  This final Sunday we’ll find ourselves at the stable with animals that witnessed that first Christmas.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Advent 4B 2023 12.24.23 bulletin FINAL

Cover image 12.24.23 5pm serviceJoin us on Christmas Eve as We Celebrate the Birth of Christ the Lord!

DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CHILDREN’S SERVICE at 5:00pm This service, geared particularly for families with children, will include the singing of carols and a telling of the Christmas story with the participation of the children who are present.  Costumes are back!  Holy Communion will not be part of this service, but the singing of Silent Night and the lighting of candles will! The service is about 45 minutes in length.

DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE at 9:00pm. Returning for the first time post-pandemic, our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion will begin at 9:00pm.  Please come, enjoy harp music prior and throughout the service, Peace Ringers, and tenor soloist Jon Lackey, and bring visiting friends or relatives along with you!

DECEMBER 31 SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS at 10:30am. On the final day of the year, we gather to give thanks for God’s presence among us in the Incarnate Christ, retelling the story of his birth and childhood, as we ring out the old and bring in the new.  This is a simple service of lessons and carols with Holy Communion and lots of singing. Come ring out the old and bring in the New Year!


We’re marking Advent this year by entering in to All Creation Waits, a book written by Gayle Boss, which features 24 wild animals from North American habitats.  Creatures from the book will make their way into our worship life throughout the season.  In the beginning of her book, Gayle writes:
“In late fall, in the world’s north, the sun glides low in the sky. Light dims, the air cools, signaling every living thing. Animals know what to do when the season of dark and cold spreads over the earth. Every creature makes changes to its home, its body, its habits. Every creature makes ready to wait until the earth wakes again into the light & warmth of spring. Waiting in the cold dark will be hard but each creature knows… The dark is not an end.  It’s a door.  It’s the way a new beginning comes.” 

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Advent 3B 2023 12.17.23 bulletin FINAL

God Is With Us, by Hanna Varghese © 2006

  God Is With Us, by Hanna Varghese © 2006

The People of Peace invite you to join us for one or more of our Worship Services during the Advent and Christmas Seasons.



DECEMBER 3 ADVENT FESTIVAL from 9:00am-10:15am  Advent logs, paperwhites, card making, and more.  Bring the whole family. A light breakfast will be served.  Special Guest: Gayle Boss, author of All Creation Waits, will join us via ZOOM toward the end of the morning and read from the Children’s Edition of her Advent book.

DECEMBER 3, 10, 17, and 24 ADVENT WORSHIP from 10:30-11:40am each week  We will journey through Advent by exploring Scriptural themes and insights from Gayle Boss’s Advent devotional All Creation Waits.  

ADVENT WEDNESDAY EVENING GATHERINGS December 6, 13, and 20.  These reflective gatherings are held on Wednesday evenings during Advent.  Call the church office to receive more information about these gatherings, which are hosted by members of the congregation. (206-935-1962)

DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CHILDREN’S SERVICE at 5:00pm This service, geared particularly for families with children, will include the singing of carols and a telling of the Christmas story with the participation of the children who are present.  Costumes are back!  Holy Communion will not be part of this service, but the singing of Silent Night and the lighting of candles will! The service is about 45 minutes in length.

DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE at 9:00pm. Returning for the first time post-pandemic, our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion will begin at 9:00pm.  Please come, enjoy harp music prior and throughout the service, Peace Ringers, and tenor soloist Jon Lackey, and bring visiting friends or relatives along with you!

DECEMBER 31 SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS at 10:30am. On the final day of the year, we gather to give thanks for God’s presence among us in the Incarnate Christ, retelling the story of his birth and childhood, as we ring out the old and bring in the new.  This is a simple service of lessons and carols with Holy Communion and lots of singing. Come ring out the old and bring in the New Year!

The Creation Care Team has finished the 2024 Climate Action Plan and are ready to share it with everyone! Modeled after the multi-year plan the congregation approved in January 2023, this plan is again structured around Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s Green Fields of Worship, Education, Buildings and Grounds, Community Engagement and Faithful Advocacy. As we all put this plan into action, we’ll continue to build our Peace Pollinator Project and Cooking for Creation programs. Beginning with Lent, we will launch a year-long Replacing Plastics Campaign to draw attention to the world’s plastic problem and what we can each do about it. The plan also includes key points from the ELCA’s Social Statement on Earth’s Climate Crisis, adopted in April, and the many ways Peace has been answering this call for years, including with our 2023 activities. We invite you, as you review the plan, to consider how you, too, might answer the call to our ministry as Earth Keepers.

The plan is available as a PDF file here: 2024 PLC Climate Action Plan

For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team