Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category


We’re marking Advent this year by entering in to All Creation Waits, a book written by Gayle Boss, which features 24 wild animals from North American habitats.  Creatures from the book will make their way into our worship life throughout the season.  In the beginning of her book, Gayle writes:
“In late fall, in the world’s north, the sun glides low in the sky. Light dims, the air cools, signaling every living thing. Animals know what to do when the season of dark and cold spreads over the earth. Every creature makes changes to its home, its body, its habits. Every creature makes ready to wait until the earth wakes again into the light & warmth of spring. Waiting in the cold dark will be hard but each creature knows… The dark is not an end.  It’s a door.  It’s the way a new beginning comes.” 

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Advent 2B 2023 12.10.23 bulletin



We’re marking Advent this year by entering in to All Creation Waits, a book written by Gayle Boss, which features 24 wild animals from North American habitats.  Creatures from the book will make their way into our worship life throughout the season.  In the beginning of her book, Gayle writes:
“In late fall, in the world’s north, the sun glides low in the sky. Light dims, the air cools, signaling every living thing. Animals know what to do when the season of dark and cold spreads over the earth. Every creature makes changes to its home, its body, its habits. Every creature makes ready to wait until the earth wakes again into the light & warmth of spring. Waiting in the cold dark will be hard but each creature knows… The dark is not an end.  It’s a door.  It’s the way a new beginning comes.” 

On the 1st Sunday of Advent the day begins with our traditional ADVENT FESTIVAL @ 9:00am, featuring hands on activities and crafts for the whole family.  A light breakfast will be available.  Toward the end of the morning author Gayle Boss will join us via ZOOM to read from the Children’s edition of her book.  You won’t want to miss this special day!

Advent Worship follows at 10:30am, when we light the first candle on the Advent wreath.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Advent 1B 2023 12.3.23 bulletin

“In late fall, in the world’s north, the sun glides low in the sky.

Light dims, the air cools, signaling every living thing.

Animals know what to do when the season of dark and cold spreads over the earth.

Every creature makes changes to its home, its body, its habits.

Every creature makes ready to wait until the earth wakes again into the light & warmth of spring.

Waiting in the cold dark will be hard but each creature knows…

The dark is not an end.  It’s a door.  It’s the way a new beginning comes.”

– Gayle Boss, All Creation Waits

To those who wait,

I saw them before they saw me, two Toklat grizzlies crossing the river near Polychrome Pass in Alaska’s Denali National park.  It was mid-August.  After riding the shuttle up the gravel road that bisects the park, I’d hiked up some hills to the north and was enjoying my lunch among some mountain goats when the bears’ blond coats came into view a quarter mile away, immediately commanding my attention.  I had planned to spend a couple nights hiking solo along the Toklat River, but seeing that pair of grizzlies had me quickly changing my mind.  Never mind that Toklats are 80% vegetarian.  Never mind that they paid me no heed whatsoever.  One quarter mile was as close as I wanted to get to that pair of apex predators within that vast wilderness.

Close encounters like that tend to embed themselves in one’s memory.  What stories might you share of encounters with wild creatures on their turf?  How did it feel? What did the encounter teach you about the wild?  About yourself?

“In sacred manner may we live among the wise and loving ones,

Sit humbly, as at sages’ feet, by four-legged, finned, and feathered ones.”

In Sacred Manner, Susan Palo Cherwien

Advent is upon us, surprising us with its swiftness.  While Thanksgiving leftovers are still taking up space in the refrigerator, we turn the page to December and there’s Advent staring us in the face.  Only this year, the features of that face (better, those faces) include members of the animal kingdom: Painted Turtle, Muskrat, Black Bear, Chickadee, Whitetail deer, Honey bee—all are waiting, with many more or their kin, (24 in total) to greet us.  They come to us by way of the beautifully written and illustrated book by Gayle Boss, All Creation Waits.  Through a special grant and the vision of the Creation Care and Worship Teams, these Advent devotionals are being made available to every Peace Household.  (A regular edition is illustrated with intricate woodcuts by David Klein and the Children’s Edition includes the colorful art of Sharon Spitz.)

This devotional comes with a question:  What might we two-leggeds learn from our four-legged, winged, and finned friends about entering into this season?  We look forward to exploring that and other questions throughout the coming weeks.  It all kicks off on Sunday, December 3rd with our annual ADVENT FESTIVAL, which you can read all about on page 3 below.  Suffice it to say, you won’t want to miss this grand entry into Advent, which includes a conversation with the author herself – Gayle Boss!   Let’s tune in to the animal stories and swap some of our own.

With you, on the Way,

Pastor Erik

Bulletin cover 11.26.23Welcome to worship!  We’re glad you found us.

On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus’ great story of judgement. In the end, the faithful are those who served Christ by ministering to those who are poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged. In the first reading God is the shepherd who seeks the lost, weak, and injured and feeds them with justice. We gather this day to celebrate the reign of Christ and his victory over death, yet we await the consummation of all things yet to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we go forth that his reign may be known in our loving words and deeds.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 29A 11.26.23 Christ the King bulletin

Tonight we’ll mark Thanksgiving with a simple service of worship @ 7:00pm—our first since 2019.   In keeping with tradition, the service will be less than an hour in length, and will be followed by a pie potluck in the narthex, a foretaste of the feast to come. 😊

Please join us!  Bring a pie to share—and if you have out of town guests, bring them along, too!

Our Thanksgiving offering has been designated for assisting families/communities impacted by the Middle East Crisis.  Lutheran Disaster Response has a long time relationship with partners in the Holy Land, including:

  • Augusta Victoria Hospital. The hospital procures medical supplies and provides accommodations for patients and staff unable to return to their homes in Gaza.
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. The church provides emergency education support for families who have lost income due to the war and are unable to pay school fees.
  • ACT Alliance. Through implementing partners Lutheran World Federation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, ACT Alliance responds to immediate needs for psychosocial support, shelter, household items, public health centers and direct cash assistance, focusing on the Palestinian communities in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Checks can be payable to Peace with the notation: Middle East Crisis.

Wherever you may be for this holiday, may your time with be marked by gratitude and Thanksgiving.

The Annual Holiday Bazaar @ Peace Lutheran returns again this year!

Saturday, November 18 from 10am – 3pm and Sunday, November 19 from 12pm – 3pm

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Bake Sale

  • Fair Trade Food Gifts

  • Children’s crafts

  • Hot lunch

Proceeds benefit church programs and benefit…

  • West Seattle Food Bank

  • White Center Food Bank

  • Westside Neighbors Network Shelter

Get further details by following this LINK: 2023 Bazaar Flyer 2.0.

Bulletin cover 11.19.23Welcome to worship!  We’re glad you found us.

Our readings during November speak of the end times. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to make choices about how to share in God’s economy.  In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread, and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ’s coming among us.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 28A 11.19.23 bulletin

Bulletin cover 11.12.23Welcome to worship!  We’re glad you found us.

Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. Paul urges us to encourage one another with the promised coming of the Lord. Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Surrounded by the faithful of every time and place, we celebrate Christ’s coming in our midst in the world of life and the feast of victory—the marriage feast of the lamb.

Our Pass the Hat Partner this month is Operation Nightwatch. Rev. Paul Benz, Jr. will be with us to tell us about this important ministry and the Sock it to Homelessness campaign.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 27A Veterans Sunday 11.12.23 bulletin

“Weave, weave, weave us together.  Weave us together in unity and love!”

– Rosemary Crow

Beloved of God,

There’s a picture that hangs in my study at home of a woman’s hands weaving together separate strands of what will one day become a basket.  The hands belong to Laura Somersal, a Pomo Elder.  They are old, these hands, brown and weathered.  Wrinkles cover every part of their surface—yet they are supple and strong.  When I look at the picture, I imagine her hands gathering lengths of willow from riverbanks; digging for pine root; harvesting young bear grass in the spring; stripping lengths of maidenhair fern, or peeling woodwardia and dying it with alder bark; gathering the strands together into bundles. Then, when they are ready, I see her hands weaving them together; twisting them to fit one over another, tightly, neatly, evenly, row upon row, to form a bowl, a hat, a baby basket.  Each with its own design.  Creating a tapestry from the gifts of the earth.  And this Weaver sings as she works, and her songs are woven into the basket; become part of it.  Her prayers and thoughts move from her heart, down through her fingers; move through the root, the fern, the quill, to become a part of the work, the whole.  The stuff that holds it together.  Out of the mixed gathering of gifts from the earth, her intention takes shape, a design is formed.  Yes, this Weaver knows what she is creating.  And so she weaves.  Patiently, steadily, rhythmically, her hands bring into being what already exists in her mind.

I invite you to imagine with me that God, like this Weaver, is weaving the Kingdom.  That God, like this woman, is at work gathering the separate and distant strands of people from every time and place and fashioning us into a community, a divine fellowship, a new and beloved creation which will one day be whole and complete.

“We are many textures, we are many colors, each one different from the other, but we are entwined with one another in one great tapestry. Weave, weave, weave us together.  Weave us together in unity and love!”

As November begins, we claim our status as beloved elements of the Kingdom basket God is creating while remembering the lives of other beloveds – saints from our community and from the long history of the church – whom God has called to his side.  This year there are six from the Peace congregation: Jeanne, Joyce, Ann, Peggy, Jack, and RaeAnn, whom we lifted up on All Saints Sunday.  During their time at Peace each of their lives intersected with our own, yet their stories and the patterns of their lives are much richer and complex than what we will ever know.  So we give thanks that God is forever at work incorporating their stories, along with our own, into the grand story of healing and redemption God has been working on since time began.

This November will also see the return of our Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 22nd.  This will be a time of  coming together to remember with gratitude God’s gifts and presence in our lives and in the life of the world.  Finally, this month is also a time for considering how our gratitude and thanksgiving will be manifested in our continuing support for funding God’s mission through Peace.  To that end, keep your eyes peeled for a letter in the mail inviting you to once again participate in growing the Culture of Generosity here at Peace by filling out and returning a Statement of Intent.  What a joy that God is at work among us, with faithful hands, weaving us together in love!

Your partner in Christ,

Pastor Erik


Bulletin cover 11.5.23Welcome to worship!  We’re glad you found us.

All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November heralds the dying of the landscape in many northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all who have died in Christ and whose baptism is complete.  At the Lord’s table we gather with the faithful of every time and place, trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and that all tears will be wiped away in the new Jerusalem.

We have a tradition of lifting up the lives of those people of Peace who have joined the “church triumphant” during the last 12 months, pronouncing their names and lighting a candle in their memory.  This year we will be lifting six saints: Jeanne Martinez, Joyce Wolff, Ann Detlefs, Peggy Craigen, Jack McBride, and Rae Ann Marrelli.  Their family members have been invited and some are planning to join us for this service.

Worship will be preceded by FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL @ 9:15am.  The focus this month is on ART IN WORSHIP and families are invited to attend together to see all the ways art enhances our worship life. You will have an opportunity to see the banners, paraments, frontals, and other pieces of art up close and learn about how and why we use them. During the second half we will be creating art inspired by the sights and symbols of worship.  It will be an enriching time to share!  Please join us.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 26A All Saints Sunday 11.5.23 bulletin

The Nicene creed can be downloaded here (it is not included in the bulletin): Creed NICENE pg 104