Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Bulletin cover 6.4.23

Trinity: the celebration of the majesty of God. God spoke ten times (we call it the Decalogue or Ten Commandments) and created a covenant people. In our First Reading God speaks ten times and the whole world comes into being! It is a covenant of creation—God binding self and us together as caretakers of creation. In the Gospel, Jesus, the risen Lord, extends care for us for eternity with the command to “make disciples” as we go about our lives, and by baptizing and teaching about what God has done.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 1A Trinity Sunday 6.4.23 bulletin

Bulletin cover 5.28.23

On the day of Pentecost, as Acts records it, some 120 men and women receive the Spirit and proclaim God’s mighty acts to people from all over the then-known world in their own languages. In the Second Reading, St. Paul notes that the Spirit gives different gifts to different people so that the body of Christ might be built up and strengthened. Having conquered death and any power against the church, the resurrected Jesus gives his followers the same task the Father had given him—to proclaim peace and forgiveness.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 0A 5.28.23 bulletin

Bulletin cover 5.21.23Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.

Our First Reading records Jesus’s ascending and the gathered disciples—including some women—returning to Jerusalem to pray as they await the coming of the Spirit. Jesus, in the Gospel, prays for protection and unity for his followers because he is going to be gone from them. There is reason for Jesus to pray. The Second Reading reminds us that the forces arrayed against us will not make our lives simple. We are urged to faithfulness.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 7A 5.21.23 bulletin

Bulletin cover 5.14.23Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.

Jesus does not abandon his followers. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to abide with his disciples of every generation. As Pentecost draws near, we are reminded that the risen Christ dwells in us as the Spirit of truth. We receive this Spirit in baptism and pray that in our gathering around the Lord’s table the Spirit will transform us to be the body of the risen Christ in the world.

Our Pass the Hat Partner this month is Camp Lutherwood which is nestled in the evergreen trees along the north shore of Lake Samish about 10 miles South of Bellingham, Washington. Since its beginning in 1946, Lutherwood has been running programs for campers of all ages on 103 acres of beautiful waterfront and forest land. Judy Engh, Interim Executive Director, will be at Peace to fill us in on all the happenings at Lutherwoood.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 6A 5.14.23 bulletin

Bulletin cover 5.7.23Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.


Christ is risen, indeed! Only life goes on in its usual perplexing ways, and we cannot always figure out where we are going or why. Into that puzzling world comes Jesus, telling us there is a goal to which we are headed, and asking us to trust Jesus, the I AM. In our First Reading Stephen exemplifies such trust by hanging on to Jesus even when being stoned. The Second Reading from 1 Peter in similar fashion portrays Jesus as the cornerstone on whom we can build our lives.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 5A 5.7.23 bulletin

thumbnail_IMG-7258Saturday, May 6th, 2023

1:00 pm

at the West Seattle Nursery

Come to the Peace Pollinator Project Seminar with native plants expert Kyle Henegar and learn how to use native pollinator plants at your house to support the birds, bees and beetles we need to make our landscapes thrive and feed us all.

Bring friends!






For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team

Bulletin cover 4.30.23Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.

The Good Shepherd cares for and nurtures his flock. The early church gathered together to practice that care for one another in our reading from Acts. In the reading from 1 Peter we are reminded that we may suffer as Christians for doing the right thing. The Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep is our example! We continue to hear the voice of our Shepherd and make quilts and write letters to Congress to care for the people around us.

Today the Offering of Letters will be included in our worship service. Any time from 9:00 until 10:30, you may participate by learning about the Farm Bill in Congress, writing letters to our two US senators and our representative, and enjoying some breads of the world.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 4A 4.30.23 bulletin

The RainWise program hosting a Garden Celebration at Peace Lutheran Church!

Come learn about RainWise and meet contractors  on April 22nd from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Earth Day RainWise Garden Celebration at Peace Lutheran Church

We are so excited for this event for our neighbors in Sunrise Heights, Westwood, Fauntleroy, and Arbor Heights! This event is produced by the RainWise Program and features garden experts of all sorts and will benefit all Seattle residents with an interest in gardening.

You will:

  • be able to talk to an array of gardening, rainwater catchment and composting experts,
  • go on a garden tour to see a RainWise rain garden in action,
  • get resources from Noxious Weeds, Natural Yard Care, Adopt-a-Street, National Wildlife Federation,
  • explore funding opportunities for rain gardens, cisterns, and other green infrastructure solutions,
  • talk with homeowners who have been through the RainWise installation process, and
  • meet with different RainWise contractors and have the chance to ask questions specific to your homes.

There will be activities for kids and refreshments available!

Register at See you there!

About RainWise Rebates: With every storm, rain carries pollutants off our roofs, driveways, and other hard surfaces to local creeks, Lake Washington, and Puget Sound. Rain gardens and cisterns can help control this stormwater, but we need your help! In selected areas of Seattle, the City of Seattle and King County will pay up to 100 percent of the cost of installing rain gardens and cisterns on homeowners’ properties.

We recommend you check your eligibility for a RainWise rebate at


—- More details below ———————————————————————————————————————–

RainWise, a partnership between King County Wastewater Treatment Division and Seattle Public Utilities, has a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

The West Seattle neighborhoods around Sunrise Heights, Westwood, Fauntleroy, and Arbor Heights are eligible for RainWise rebates – again!

In 2013, King County joined the RainWise program, and parts of West Seattle became eligible for rebates that pay for rain gardens and cisterns on private properties. By capturing the rain that falls on roofs, these installations help keep stormwater out of the sewer system and prevent overflows at the Barton Pump Station near the Fauntleroy ferry dock. After five years in the program, almost 150 properties put in rain gardens and cisterns that manage the equivalent of rain falling on five acres of roofs. In addition, 15 blocks of highly engineered roadside rain gardens were put in to let rain washing down streets and sidewalks to soak into the ground. All of this has really helped but as we look to a future of heavy rains and atmospheric rivers, we would love more help to manage the rain in this area.

How does RainWise help? During heavy rains, the sheer volume of polluted stormwater can cause our combined sewers to overflow. This negatively impacts human health and the health of marine life, such as salmon and orcas. We can reduce this water pollution by installing green stormwater infrastructure solutions, such as rain gardens and cisterns. This is where RainWise comes in.

What is RainWise? RainWise is a rebate program jointly run by King County Wastewater Treatment Division and Seattle Public Utilities. RainWise rebates help property owners manage the rain by installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on their private property. This not only helps reduce stormwater pollution, but mitigates flooding, adds attractive landscaping, and can provide water for summer irrigation.

You can check your eligibility for rebates at And, for addresses not eligible for RainWise, Green Stormwater Mini-Grants are available as well at

To learn more, please attend our upcoming RainWise Garden Celebration at Peace Lutheran Church where you can talk to various RainWise, sustainability, and garden experts to learn about the program. There will be tours of Peace Lutheran’s RainWise installation, refreshments, and activities. This is a family-friendly event!

Saturday, April 22nd, 10 am – 1 pm

Peace Lutheran Church, 8316 39th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98136. Register at

Not eligible? Feel free to reach out to us! We are happy to help provide you with resources. Check out to see what other programs are available to you.


For more information:
– About Creation Care at Peace Lutheran Church
– About our Creation Care Team

Bulletin cover 4.23.23Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.

Today’s gospel begins with two disciples walking to Emmaus, overcome with sadness, loss, and disappointment. They had hoped Jesus, who was crucified, would be the one to redeem Israel! Yet the risen Christ walks with them and then opens their eyes in the breaking of the bread. Each Sunday our hearts burn within us as the scriptures are proclaimed and Christ appears to us as bread is broken and wine is poured. The story of Emmaus becomes the pattern of our worship each Lord’s day.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 3A 4.23.23 bulletin

Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.

Bulletin cover 4.16.23In today’s gospel the risen Christ appears to the disciples and offers them the gift of peace. Even amid doubts and questions, we experience the resurrection in our Sunday gathering around word and meal, and in our everyday lives. Throughout the coming Sundays of Easter the first two readings will be from the Acts of the Apostles and the first letter of Peter. Even as early Christians proclaimed the resurrection, we rejoice in the new birth and living hope we receive in baptism.

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 2A 4.16.23 bulletin