Opening the Door to Lent: Ash Wednesday, February 26

We join Christians around the world in marking the beginning of Lent with an ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION on February 26 at 7:00 pm.  Join us as we journey with Christ toward the cross and empty tomb.

On March 4th, we begin our five week series of Wednesday Evening Gatherings starting with a simple SOUP SUPPER at 6:00 pm, and followed by a brief service of EVENING PRAYER at 7:00 pm.  These five evenings are times to slow the pace, enjoy fellowship over a simple meal, and open ourselves to a fresh encounter with God’s Word.  Offerings received will support needs of people beyond our doors.

Our theme for these Lenten Wednesdays is FINDING HER VOICE, and we’ll be lifting up and reimagining the stories of women from the gospels who found themselves transformed by their encounters with Jesus.  This year we’re using That You May Have Life as our liturgical frame.  We hope you’ll join us. 





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