Screening of film: RACE TO NOWHERE at Peace June 30

A screening of the film RACE TO NOWHERE: THE DARK SIDE OF AMERICA’S ACHIEVEMENT CULTURE will be hosted at Peace Lutheran on Thursday, June 30th at 7pm.  DIRECTIONS TO PEACE may be accessed through a LINK on the top of the homepage. The film has been scheduled with the assistance of the Arbor Heights Elementary PTSA.

TIckets for the film can be purchased online ($10 per adult, $5 student/faculty online + fee) or at the door $15. The ticketing website is:
The electronic postcard is:

This screening will be open to the general public, and we also invite you to invite other friends and to share it on facebook groups. Following the film (about 90 minutes) we will have a facilitated discussion about the issues it raises and our own experiences as students, parents, and educators.

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