September is Gun Responsibility Month
Our church is a public church and our ministries reach beyond the walls of our congregations to touch issues of concern in our local community, society and world. Two of the initiatives facing Washington State voters in the November election have to do with firearms.
- I-594 would expand current criminal background-check requirements to include all gun sales and transfers in Washington State with specific exceptions.
- I-591 would limit the circumstances in which firearms can be confiscated and would limit the ability of government agencies to require background checks.
Last May the NW Washington Synod meeting in assembly endorsed a resolution (see below) encouraging congregations to hold educations forums on I-594 in order to learn more about gun violence, current gun laws and loopholes, and preventative measures like universal background checks. A coalition of faith and community organizations is lifting up September asGun Responsibility Month and encouraging congregations to participate in this month’s awareness efforts. Our Church Council has authorized an educational forum on this issue for Sunday, September 21, following worship. Members of the larger community will also be invited to attend. Stacy Anderson from FAN (Faith Action Network) will be present to make a presentation. All are encouraged to attend.
NW Washington Synod Resolution Endorsing I-594
At the May 2014 Synod Assembly, the congregations of the synod endorsed the following resolution in support of Initiative 594.
- Gun injuries and deaths in Washington State are a significant public health problem with approximately 600 people killed by guns each year over the past decade
- Since 1994 over 2.1 million firearm purchase applications have been denied because of federal criminal background checks for gun sales through licensed dealers required by the Brady Law
- 80% of the firearms used by inmates in their offending crimes were obtained from non-licensed dealers and more than 40% of homicide offenders and inmates incarcerated for firearm-related offenses were prohibited and would have failed a background check had one been required.
- I-594 would apply background-check requirements currently used for gun sales by licensed dealers to ALL gun sales and transfers, with specific exceptions.
- I-594 honors Second Amendment rights by simply extending current background checks to gun purchases and transfers that are not currently covered in existing law.
Be It Resolved:
- That the NW Washington Synod endorse I-594, which would apply criminal background-check requirements to all gun sales and transfers in Washington State with specific exceptions.
- That the NW Washington Synod encourages congregations to hold educations forums on I-594 in order to learn more about gun violence, current gun laws and loopholes, and preventative measures like universal background checks.