Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home, an encyclical (circular letter) by Pope Francis, is behind this Invitation to join a Conversation. Good People of all faith traditions, classes, professions, nationalities, educational backgrounds, genders, and status are welcome to a common table for conversation about our Earth – the challenges we face regarding global environmental concerns, the distribution of our earth’s resources, the just use of nature’s bounties.
Join us on Sundays during Lent @ 12:00 noon beginning Feb. 14. Our last session will be on March 20. A simple lunch will be provided and our group will be facilitated by: Pastors David Wold, Paul Winterstein, and Eldon Olson.
Friends from other churches, persons who have no religious preference, friends from other faith traditions – let’s create a common table to express our Care for our Common Home. You can purchase a paper copy of Care for Our Common Home at your local bookstore, download a Kindle or Nook Edition, or access a free PDF from the Vatican Website.