As we enter the final month of the first-half of 2018, we are glad to report that congregational expenses are on target, and we have been able to meet all of our financial obligations to date. However, offering income has fallen short of our goal, leaving us with a cumulative deficit of -$4,150 as we began the month of May. This pattern is clearly unsustainable.
The generous financial offerings of our members and friends are our largest source income, supporting 90% of our annual mission. Your gifts are essential.
There are so many exciting things happening at Peace, so many ways that we’re reaching beyond our doors, and so much more yet to come! We are committed to ensuring that Peace has the resources to support these ministries and are increasing our own giving to help close the gap this month. Will you join us in increasing your regular offerings or making a special gift in June to help us Spring Forward? One-time or recurring gifts may be set up via Financial Secretary David Kehle or online through this website by clicking on the red MAKE A DONATION button in the upper right corner of the homepage.
We are so grateful for your generosity and partnership in ministry.
Heidi Eilers, President Michael Truog, V. President Sarah Kunze Bliss, Treasurer
David Kehle, Financial Sec. Jeannette Whitworth, Secretary Pastor Erik Kindem
Lisa Boeckh Marian Christjaener Randy Hernandez Vicki Martinez Katharine Menstell