6/21 Live Stream Worship – Season of Creation 2

Lynda's OakWelcome to Peace.  

To watch the worship service that was Live Streamed 6/21, follow this LINK.

A PDF Worship Guide is available here: Creation 2A TREES 2020 6.21.20 Live Stream Bulletin

From June 14-28 we’re exploring the connection between forest ecology and our Christian faith during a Season of Creation: TREES 

Embedded in today’s liturgy is a conversation with Lynda Mapes, Seattle Times environmental reporter and author of Witness Tree: Seasons of Change with a Century-Old Oak.

As a newspaper reporter, Lynda was looking for a fresh way to understand and tell the climate-change story “beyond dueling politics or science.”  A conver­sation with Andrew Richardson, associate professor at Harvard University, and a subsequent invitation to come to the Harvard Research Forest for a yearlong Bullard Fellowship, gave Lynda the opportunity she craved.  She writes:

“Here, at one of the world’s premier research forests, in the classic New England village of Petersham, Massachusetts, a new center of my world emerged.  In this forest so like the woods I had loved as a girl, it came to me: you could tell the story of climate change—and more—through a single, beloved living thing: a tree.”

During this Season we’re paying attention to the trees we encounter each day—around our homes, in your neighborhoods and parks—and we invite you to join us!  Let’s learn together more of what trees and for­ests have to teach us about living in community and enhancing the liva­bility of the places where we live.  Let’s get outside and use the Tree Walking Guides provided by the City of Seattle Park Department (availa­ble HERE) to view specific species of trees “in person’ in West Seattle parks and neighbor­hoods; let’s humbly open ourselves to what we might learn!

On the final Sunday, June 28, we’ll learn the story of how one ancient Douglas Fir inspired the writing of a song and how, as a result of that creative process, The Tree, has taken on a life of its own.  Our Live Stream Worship will include a special VIRTUAL performance of The Tree, arranged and produced by Bronwyn Edwards for choir, flute, and cello, in which several Peace folk participate.

In addition, Kjerstyn Lindgren, niece of Kevin and Nicole Klinemeier and gradu­ate of Evergreen State University, will lead a 9:00am forum on tips for moving toward a zero-waste lifestyle. 

We hope you’ll join us!

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