Interview with WITNESS TREE author Lynda Mapes

EmbeddWitness Tree book covered in our liturgy for SEASON OF CREATION: WEEK TWO  June 21, 2020, was a conversation with Lynda Mapes, Seattle Times envi­ronmental reporter and author of Witness Tree: Seasons of Change with a Century-Old Oak.  You can find the link to the stand alone interview HERE.

As a newspaper reporter, Lynda was looking for a fresh way to understand and tell the climate-change story “beyond dueling politics or science.”  A conversation with Andrew Richardson, associate professor at Harvard University, and a subsequent invitation to come to the Harvard Research Forest for a yearlong Bullard Fellowship, gave Lynda the opportunity she craved.  She writes:Lynda Mapes with book

“Here, at one of the world’s premier research forests, in the classic New England village of Petersham, Massachusetts, a new center of my world emerged.  In this forest so like the woods I had loved as a girl, it came to me: you could tell the story of climate change—and more—through a single, beloved living thing: a tree.”

Kirkus Review of Books calls Witness Tree “a textured story of a rap­idly changing natural world and our relationship to it, told through the lens of one tree over four seasonsA meticulously, beautifully layered portrayal of vulnerability and loss, renewal and hope, this extensively researched yet deeply personal book is a timely call to bear witness and to act in an age of climate-change denial.”  


One Response to “Interview with WITNESS TREE author Lynda Mapes”

  1. […] the ground, and the amazing roles trees play in making our planet home more habitable; we’ve been LISTENING to what Lynda Mapes, author of  Witness Tree: Seasons of Change with a Cen­tury-Old Oak, has to […]