5/16/21 Live Stream Worship

Picture1Welcome to Peace – We’re glad you found us!

In today’s Ascension Sunday readings the risen Christ ascends to the heavens and his followers are assured that the Spirit will empower them to be witnesses throughout the earth.  Like the disciples, we too long for the Spirit to enliven our faith and invigorate our mission.


Today is Pass the Hat Sunday. We welcome Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee to tell us about the Synod Assembly offering split: between the COVID-19 Relief Fund and Lutheran Disaster Response.  In early 2020 the COVID-19 Relief Fund was established in the NW Washington Synod to provide financial relief for congregations and ministries. This fund has continued to grow through individual and congregation donations as well as grants provided by the ELCA for COVID-19 Relief.  

Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.  One current focus is the unfolding COVID-19 disaster in India. (See more on the announcement page.) Follow the above links if you would like to share a gift.

You can find this live stream service on our YouTube Channel.

A copy of the worship guide can be found HERE: Easter 7B 2021 5.16.21 livestream bulletin

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