6/12/22 Season of Creation – ROOTED, with Lyanda Haupt

Cover image 6.12.22Welcome to Peace – and to the Season of Creation!

Each year we celebrate the Season of Creation to help us connect the dots between our lives of faith and the natural world we have been called to care for.  The theme for this year’s Season of Creation is inspired by Lyanda Lynn Haupt’s latest book: Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit.

Lyanda, an urban naturalist, neighbor, and friend of Peace, invites us on a journey of rediscovering a core truth which sacred scriptures, mystics, artists, and indigenous communities across the globe have proclaimed for millennia: that all life is radically interconnected.  Over this three week season we will affirm our vocation as Earth-tenders to re-engage with these three strands—science, nature and spirit—rekindling conversation and rediscovering practices that will more faithfully embody God’s dream of Shalom for this world God so loves.

On June 12, Lyanda Haupt joins us in worship to share with us how the realms of science, nature, and spirit have conspired within her life, leading her to write this book.    

EXPLORE THE 10,000 YEAR OLD ROXHILL BOG ON JUNE 25thAs an extension of this year’s theme, we have arranged with the Duwamish Alive Coalition to take a GUIDED TOUR OF THE ROXHILL BOG on SATURDAY, JUNE 25, from 10:00 to 11:30.  The BOG serves as the headwaters of Longfellow Creek, a tributary of the Duwamish. Urbanization and climate change have caused damage to the urban watershed, and efforts are ongoing to restore the area.

Our Duwamish Alive Coalition tour guides are also offering a PRE-TOUR ZOOM on THURSDAY, JUNE 23, at 7:00 PM. This will enable you to find out about the history of the bog and view a number of explanatory graphics before you take the tour.

During the second weekend of September, we hope to participate in the restoration with our annual God’s Work Our Hands project.

Directions for signing up for either or both of the events will be posted soon.


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