6/26/2022 Season of Creation Week 3 @ 10:30 am

Picture1The theme for this year’s Season of Creation is inspired by Lyanda Lynn Haupt’s latest book: Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit. Lyanda, an urban naturalist, neighbor, and friend of Peace, invites us on a journey of rediscovering a core truth which sacred scriptures, mystics, artists, and indigenous communities across the globe have proclaimed for millennia: that all life is radically interconnected.  On this final Sunday our readings offer sacramental images connected to the vineyard and to the “Cosmic Christ,” in whom all things have their purpose and hold together. Excerpts from Rooted help us to see clearly the connections which have been woven into all creation and our call to be Earth-tenders of this planet home God so loves.

The worship guide can be downloaded here: Creation 3C ROOTED 6.26.22 bulletin 2

To join our livestream worship on Sunday, June 26, 2022 click HERE

REMINDER: Beginning next Sunday, July 3 worship will start at 9:30 am through Labor Day Weekend. 10:30 worship time will resume on September 11.


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