1/1/2023 New Year’s Day Worship @ 10:30am

cover art 1.1.2023


This is a day of new beginnings,

time to remember and move on,

a time to believe what love is bringing,

and laying to rest the pain that’s gone. 


Dear Siblings in Christ,

Even as we continue marking the 12 days of Christmas, we turn the page to a New Year.  The New Year will begin at Peace with Sunday Worship on January 1st @ 10:30am.  (No Christian Ed classes this week…they will resume on January 8.)

We’ll begin the service by gathering in the narthex to mark our house of worship as a house of prayer for all people.  Then we’ll process into the sanctuary singing of new beginnings.  January 1st is the day when, according to tradition and Luke’s gospel, Jesus received his name.  It’s when Joseph and Mary, having brought their newborn son to the Temple for dedication, meet Simeon and Anna–a moment that has inspired great music and art ever since.

You can download the Worship Guide here: Christmas 1A Name of Jesus 1.1.23 bulletin  To join us via our YouTube Live Stream, click HERE.

God bless you richly as we enter the New Year!

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