Welcome to Palm/Passion Sunday at Peace.
Jesus enters Jerusalem in a kind of parade, but he comes when all the political, military, and especially religious authorities are gathering their resources to make sure his parade is stopped. So, the day is filled with a kind of tension. Although the service starts with a rehearsal of the triumphal procession into Jerusalem, it continues with remembering the powers allied against Jesus that led to his death.
Pastor Chelsea Globe will preside. We start out on the patio with the procession of palms. Once inside the sanctuary we will read the Passion of our Lord according to Matthew.
As we celebrate Christ’s presence in the Bread of Wine of the Eucharist, we receive bread for the journey. To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.
The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Lent A Palm-Passion 2023 04.2.23 bulletin