Welcome to the Easter Season at Peace.
The Good Shepherd cares for and nurtures his flock. The early church gathered together to practice that care for one another in our reading from Acts. In the reading from 1 Peter we are reminded that we may suffer as Christians for doing the right thing. The Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep is our example! We continue to hear the voice of our Shepherd and make quilts and write letters to Congress to care for the people around us.
Today the Offering of Letters will be included in our worship service. Any time from 9:00 until 10:30, you may participate by learning about the Farm Bill in Congress, writing letters to our two US senators and our representative, and enjoying some breads of the world.
To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30 am, click HERE.
The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Easter 4A 4.30.23 bulletin