In the First Reading for today, Jacob—whose name means deceiver/con artist—is deceived by his uncle, Laban, and is given Leah as a wife instead of Rachel. Jacob will work and yet get Rachel, but the marriage will be full of conflict. St. Paul, in the Second Reading, points to a God who is in no way deceptive, but whose love not even death can stop. Such valuable care is portrayed in the Gospel through a series of parables including the Pearl of Great Price, and the Treasure hidden in the field.
This Sunday is Pastor Paul’s last Sunday preaching. Pastor Erik will be back from sabbatical and will be preaching again starting 8/6/23.
To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 9:30 am, click HERE.
The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 12A 7.30.23 bulletin