6/16/24 Season of Creation Week Two: Wind & Weather

WELCOME TO PEACE and to our three week celebration of the SEASON OF CREATION! 

book imageOur themes and liturgy during this year’s Season of Creation are inspired by Barbara Mahany’s The Book of Nature: The Astonishing Beauty of God’s First Sacred TextShe writes: “Ancient peoples read the Book of Nature as the first sacred text, the text of all of creation, inscribed and unfurled by a God present always and everywhere.” God has “infused the natural world with symbol and meaning, and if only we read what’s there in the trees and the storms and the stars and the hives, we might more fully comprehend the Creator.”

Over these three weeks we’ll explore three themes inspired by Barbara’s book: Water’s Edge/Salish Sea—Wind & Weather—Celestial Spheres  

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 9:30am each week, click HERE.

week 2 cover


On Week Two BARBARA MAHANY herself will join us via ZOOM both during worship and afterward in the fellowship hall.  Barbara will beam in from the Midwest to share thoughts about her book and reflections on our Week Two theme: Wind and Weather. We are grateful to have this chance to meet Barbara up close and personal.







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