9/29/24 Michael and all Angels Worship @ 10:30

Bulletin cover 9.29.24WELCOME TO PEACE!  

Welcome to Peace!  We pray you experience God’s presence today as you join us in worship. There are times during the service when you’ll be invited to “rise as able in body or spirit.” You have full permission to care for yourself and your physical well-being, so if getting up and down is difficult, we encourage you to do whatever you need to do to care for yourself, including remaining seated. Parents, know that if your young ones need to move around, we’re cool with that!

Today is the Feast Day for the archangel Michael and All Angels; a reminder of the breathtaking size of creation—seen and unseen—and that there are aspects of reality beyond what can be grasped with the senses.  The Greek word for angel — angelos, means messenger.  Throughout scripture these messengers of the Divine reveal God’s will and purpose at times and places that God chooses.  These encounters—or theophanies—change the course of the Divine-human narrative.  The archangel Michael is often pictured as a prince and a general of the heavenly army, defeating the dragon (the devil, Satan).

To tune into the Live Stream broadcast of this service at 10:30am, click HERE.

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Pentecost 21B MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS9.29.24 bulletin

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