12/29/24 First Sunday after Christmas @ 10:30

The Word Made Flesh,  Donald Jackson. From the St. John's Bible

The Word Made Flesh, Donald Jackson. From the St. John’s Bible

We’re glad you found us! 

On the final Sunday of the year, we gather to give thanks for God’s presence among us in the Incarnate Christ, retelling the story of his birth and childhood, as we ring out the old and prepare for the new.  This is a simple service of lessons and carols with Holy Communion and lots of singing. Come ring out the old and bring in the New Year!

To join our Live Stream broadcast of this service, click HERE.  

The Worship Guide can be downloaded here: Christmas 1C12.29.24 bulletin

Artist Donald Jackson created the illumination (at left) for the Gospel of John in the St. John’s Bible.  The Gospel of John begins with the verse, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (1:1) The reference to the Beginning hearkens back to Genesis and the Earth’s formation, and Jackson incorporates the Genesis story by having the central figure of Christ step from the dark unformed universe toward the bright organized world. In The Art of The Saint John’s Bible, Susan Sink develops this idea:

“The image of Christ seems to be stepping from the darkness which recalls the chaos and nothingness of the creation story and moves toward light and order. In fact, the texture behind Christ’s head is inspired by an image taken from the Hubble Space Telescope and reflects the cosmic character of the event.”

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