Support Refugee Ministry: Matching Funds through March 2nd

You are welcom here LCSNW

“I was hungry, and you fed me. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.”  – Jesus

Are you wondering how you can respond to federal government actions, especially the stop work orders affecting refugee resettlement?   There are many opportunities for making a difference. One immediate response is RESOURCE SHARING.

Peace Lutheran is offering a MATCHING FUND OPPORTUNITY from now through MARCH 2ndWe will match dollar-for-dollar every contribution made, up to a total of $4500 from now through March 1st.                       

The funds raised will support the Refugee Ministry of trusted partner Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) for current, urgent needs.

  • Your gift of $100 becomes a contribution of $200

  • Your gift of $250 becomes a contribution of $500.

  • Your gift of $1000 becomes a contribution of $2000.

Your gift will help ensure that recently-arrived refugees will continue receiving housing, groceries, utilities and case management services; that unaccompanied minors will be welcomed, housed, & supported; and that those serving in our name are able to stand strong and steadfast.

Please make payments payable to Peace Lutheran Church or give through our Portal  Include: REFUGEES, in the memo line, and mail to the church office by March 2nd.

We are not helpless bystanders.  We are powerful agents through the sharing of resources.  

Thank you!

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