Peace Piecers


The Peace Piecers quilting group meets to make quilts which are given to Lutheran World Relief, West Side Baby, Hickman House and others who need them. Members sew quilt tops at home and assemble the quilts on meeting days. It is not necessary to know how sew to join the group.
Threads group and The Needle Ladies
For those who practice other textile arts, such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, cross-stitch, etc., or wish to learn. Please feel invited to meet up at the same time as Peace Piecers, for fellowship while crafting. No experience necessary. Experienced textile artists are invited for camaraderie and knowledge sharing. Inexperienced artists are invited for camaraderie and learning.

All ages, gender identities, and experience levels are welcome.



The group meets from 9:00 to noon on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.


Barbara Hillier for more information about Peace Piecers.
Nancy Hauger for The Needle Ladies / Threads group.


Group Support Needs
The group has a huge supply of sewing materials in the Fireside Room closets. However, the group is low on quilt batting.