
Sermon Title: The Lord Will Provide

(1 Kings 17:8-16, Mark 12:38-44)

Rev. Erik Kindem, November 11, 2012

Quick Summary:

The sermon begins with a modern tale of a widow whose willingness to share opens the door to a hopeful future.

In our Bible stories today we come face to face with two women who find themselves in poverty but who, nonetheless, are able to respond to the invitation of God to share something of themselves. They have every right to say NO. But their response, instead, is to trust God with the outcome.

These are challenging stories for us who have so much. Each week as we gather to hear stories like these, to eat & drink the Lord’s Supper, and to share our lives, Jesus invites us to consider: HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE? In challenging times, when focusing care on ourselves seems the truly prudent thing to do, God comes into our space with a challenge to trust him first, and to live and give generously. When we live with that spirit, when we practice that kind of generosity, God’s love flows through us, and the world becomes a different place.

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