
Sermon Title: Coming Attractions

(Acts 1:1-11, Luke 24:44-53)

Rev. Erik Kindem, May 12, 2013

Quick Summary:

When Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut and the first human being in outer space, returned from orbiting Earth he’s reputed to have said: "I looked and looked but I didn’t see any God up there," thereby confirming that all religion must be false. Whether he actually said those words or not, the statement “I didn’t see God up there” lays out the same issue that accompanies our Ascension Day texts, we’re never quite sure how the physics of these scenes works out. How are we to understand what Luke has written? Is he describing an event within space and time? Does Jesus get into an invisible celestial elevator and push the button labeled “HEAVEN”? Or could there be something else to the story? There are clues for us in both the Gospel and Acts readings today. These clues are best understood THEOLOGICALLY. Five points.

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