
Sermon Title: How Big is Your Dream?

(Isaiah 2:1-5)

Rev. Erik Kindem, December 1, 2013

Quick Summary:

What are the dimensions of your dreams? The season of Advent is a season for hoping; a season for dreaming. And this year, these four Sundays bring us the reverberant echoes of Isaiah’s voice announcing God’s Dream for the world. This Dream of God’s is grounded in four texts from four chapters this season: Isaiah 2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 7.

And the scope of God’s dream is enough to get us laughing in wonder or in disbelief…
? swords becoming plowshares
? predator and prey as playmates
? desert sands transformed to bubbling springs
? a maiden’s womb ripe with Immanuel

Dream !? Pipedream is more like it! Yet, God, speaking through the prophet, doesn’t back off, doesn’t go conservative, doesn’t scale it down, doesn’t begin with what’s probable or attainable or sensible or even what’s possible. Instead, with his canvas stretched large as the prairie sky, God’s painter, Isaiah, throws up color upon color, stroke upon stroke, constructing a storyline to show us what God is up to and where God’s heading in all this.

God’s message through Isaiah this Advent is simple: God invites us into his dream.

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