
Sermon Title: Shining Light into Darkness

(Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12)

Rev. Erik Kindem, January 4, 2015

Quick Summary:

What if, as we begin this New Year, we were to set our stake in the ground and say that 2015 is going to be all about us being light-bringers?

What if in every situation, every interaction, every opportunity set before us, we seized on our calling of showing and sharing and shining light in the darkness?

What if, instead of looking to some one else, some where else to shine light on the contentious and complicated and conflicted situations that bedevil the world we live in, we claimed the role of light-bringers as our God-given vocation?!

This sermon includes stories about the birth of Jazz great Dave Brubeck's youngest son, as well as a story about Holocaust survivor Erika Leon, a personal friend of Pastor Kindem.

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