
Sermon Title: Enough

(Mark 10:17-31)

Rev. Erik Kindem, October 11, 2015

Quick Summary:

This story of the rich man approaching Jesus is a very contemporary story. It’s the only time in the gospels when someone is directly invited by Jesus to follow, and instead of following, he walks away. And the reason is money.

We fantasize about winning the lottery. We daydream about greater wealth giving us greater freedom. We’re convinced our lives would be easier if only we had more disposable income. But this story asks the question: Do we own our stuff? Or does our stuff own us?

The more we have the more difficult it seems to be to entrust our lives into God’s care. HOW HARD IT WILL BE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE WEALTH TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD! What is it about wealth and consumption that make us not want to trust God?

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