
Sermon Title: Enough for All

(Isaiah 55:1-9)

Rev. Erik Kindem, March 7, 2010

Quick Summary:

Lent is a season for stopping our incessant activities long enough to discover what’s at the root of our appetites.
Saint Augustine said: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."

Jesus taught that all our cravings for meaning and for fulfilling relationships are symptoms of the most basic hunger of all…the hunger for God.

But in a culture oriented around acquiring, accumulating and consuming, deeper hungers get buried.

To be a community of faith called in baptism and marked with the cross of Christ forever is to be a community that practices giveaway.
• Giveaway of the gifts of grace, and love and welcome.
• Giveaway of time and energy so others can share in the fruits with which we have been blessed.
• Giveaway of our financial resources which are also gifts from the Great Giver.

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