
Sermon Title: Learning from Vulnerability

(Exodus 17:1-7, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 19:16-22)

Rev. Erik Kindem, October 1, 2017

Quick Summary:

Who wants to be humbled in public? Yet, such an experience of vulnerability can open the door to learning. Instead of running from vulnerability, St. Francis made it his home and accepted it as a teacher. St. Paul's grasp of the gospel and Christ's self-emptying gift were deeply shaped by his experiences of imprisonment. The wilderness wanderings of exposed God's people to new forms of vulnerability, inviting their trust of God's providence. Jesus invited the rich young man to follow him into a more mature way of living, one fraught with vulnerability and limitations.

This sermon relates how personal experiences of vulnerability in a sweat lodge and at the bedside of a loved one awakened me to the path of vulnerability and the gift of community, renewing hope and trust in God.

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