
Sermon Title: Vulnerable Child

(Luke 2:1-20)

Rev. Erik Kindem, December 24, 2017

Quick Summary:

The Creator of the Universe, emptied of any vestige of power, knit together in the secret of the womb; assuming every contingency that comes with synapse and sinew, comes into the world as we all do—through the pain of labor and the rush of water and blood.

What does it mean—that God choose these circumstances to make his appearance, so far beneath the radar of the world’s expectations, in such a vulnerable package? Of all the possibilities from which to choose, why did God choose to come as a baby?

We may long for bigger signs; for a MeToo—like social network tsunami that sends waves across the globe initiating lasting change; for a revelation grand enough to match the catastrophes that devastate our world. But tonight we learn that God’s ways of transforming the world are not overt and coercive but subtle, humble, and surprising in their vulnerability.

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