
Sermon Title: Sown Seeds

(Mark 4:26-29, Genesis 1:11-13)

Rev. Erik Kindem, September 16, 2018

Quick Summary:

God had a dream to bring life to planet Earth, life that would be self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, and evermore complex. Seeded plants were integral to that plan. From the coniferous forests of the Cascades and Olympics, to the orchards of central Washington, to the grain fields of Eastern Washington—and even in our backyard gardens—it’s impossible to imagine the life we live without these life-giving and life-sustaining harvests.

Jesus wasn’t a botanist, but he caught the wonder of the natural world and used images of plants in his parables:
“The reign of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how.”

The seeds for what would become this congregation were sown by Pastor Otto and Alva Karlstrom who, with volunteers, came to West Seattle from Gethsemane Lutheran Church to organize Sunday School classes in the early 1920’s. Of course, you can trace their missionary impulse back through centuries of saints and witnesses to the apostles, back to Jesus himself.

But it was THEY who in this particular instance tilled the soil for what later would become the seedbed into which Peace Lutheran Church was planted.

Nurturing the seeds of faith continues to be a core ministry of our congregation. The seeds we sow now in the lives of our children will produce a harvest that will keep Jesus’ message of abundant life visible, alive and relevant both in our time and in succeeding generations. This is why we’re beginning our yearlong commemoration of 75 years of ministry on Rally Sunday…

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