
Sermon Title: Through Troubled Waters

(Luke 4:1-13)

Rev. Erik Kindem, March 10, 2019

Quick Summary:

On this first Sunday in Lent, we join the church in remembering Harriet Tubman & Sojourner Truth, women of uncommon courage who, through acts of love in the face of fear and injustice, rose above trauma to lead their people—and this nation—toward a new freedom.

This sermon makes linkages between the abolition movement, the Festival of First Fruits, and the temptation story of Jesus in the wilderness. Christ came to liberate us—not just spiritually, but physically, socially—from everything that stands between us and complete trust in God, and full communion with sisters and brothers of every race and nation. In spite of all they endured at the hands of unjust men in an unjust system, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth came to know and trust that the one true God was on their side. Their testimony is an invitation for us to do the same.

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