
Sermon Title: Closer

(Luke 10:38-42)

Rev. Erik Kindem, July 18, 2010

Quick Summary:

Five short verses and a whole world of conversation opens up around the role of women in the church and the two fundamental instincts of followers of Christ: serving others in the name of Jesus and being drawn closer to God through Christ’s teaching. This story is about the role of women in the church, for sure, but it’s about more than that, too.
It’s about how each of us, and each of our households, are called to take time away from our incessant DOING in order to LISTEN to a word from our Lord. What might it mean for us to see Jesus as the host of our family life?
• Inviting us to put our over-scheduled lives aside on a regular basis?
• Taking time to sit at Christ’s feet and take in whatever meal he’s serving?
• How might we alter the shape of our household rhythm to allow for Christ to come into our midst to speak one simple, single word to anchor us, ground us as we go about all that day’s “doing”?

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