
Sermon Title: Following Jesus

(Matthew 6:25-33)

Rev. Erik Kindem, February 13, 2011

Quick Summary:

In his book THE JESUS WAY, Eugene Peterson gets right to the heart of the challenge we face as North Americans seeking to follow Jesus. He writes:
"Many who understand themselves to be followers of Jesus, without hesitation…embrace the ways and means of the culture as they go about their daily living 'in Jesus’ name,' but the ways that dominate our culture have been developed either in ignorance or in defiance of the ways that Jesus uses to lead us…[the] Jesus [who meets us in Scripture] is an alternative to the dominant ways of the world, not a supplement to them.”
MAKE IT SIMPLE, a four-week focus on our lives as stewards, invites us to look at our lives not through the lens of the American consumer economy, but instead through the lens of God’s economy.
The beginning and ending of following Jesus, is having faith that, when we put our trust not in ourselves, or in our earning power, or in our accumulated assets, or in the myriad things we own that mark our lives as successful, but rather in the Jesus way, there will be enough.

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