
Sermon Title: Eve on Oprah

(Genesis 2:15-3:7)

Rev. Erik Kindem, March 13, 2011

Quick Summary:

Whether you’re of the mind to understand this story metaphorically, symbolically, or literally, the point is: Adam and Eve’s story is our story—a story about human purpose, human freedom, and human limits. It’s the kind of story that gives us the human predicament in a nutshell—all the possibilities—and all the propensity to bungle it up. It’s the kind of story that leads us to look ourselves squarely in the mirror and confess: WE ARE IN BONDAGE TO SIN AND CANNOT FREE OURSELVES.

The tension between our life’s purpose, the freedom we’ve been given to pursue it, and the limits we experience along the way is so doggedly familiar to us, that we don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. The story is as ancient as human consciousness itself, and yet as contemporary as….say…
an interview with OPRAH.

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