
Sermon Title: Let 'er Rip

(Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24-37)

Rev. Erik Kindem, November 27, 2011

Quick Summary:

Something is afoot in the world. We’ve witnessed it all year. In country after country, people—fed up—have been taking to the streets. It started with Arab spring…and now Occupy Wall Street.

The anger, frustration, and indignation of ordinary people compelled to say THE SYSTEM ISN’T WORKING ANYMORE. Compelled to say WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT SITTING DOWN. Compelled to say IT’S TIME FOR REGIME CHANGE.

This word from Isaiah, the first word out of the block for this Advent season, compresses and channels that impatience with life and cranks up the volume: TEAR OPEN THE HEAVENS AND COME DOWN, GOD! MOVE THE MOUNTAIN! STOKE THE FIRE! BRING THE POT TO BOIL!

And in his cry, the prophet’s voice joins with all those who, from ancient times, have been waiting, mostly impatiently, for God’s promises to take on flesh.

What do we need this Advent? Not a God who stays aloof, who’s off in heaven somewhere, above it all, but rather a God who will stand with us in the public square.

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