Service Times

Sunday worship begins at 10:30am each week for most of the year, and at 9:30am during summer months.
In 2025, worship services will begin at 10:30am through June 8, 2025. The change to 9:30 am services is scheduled for Sunday, June 15, 2025, and will continue through August 31. 10:30 service will begin again on Sept 7, 2025.

10:30 services are preceded by Christian Education for ages 3 – adult beginning at 9:30 am.
Adult Ed begins at 08:30am. These classes are often held via Zoom since the COVID-19 pandemic has been with us, and all classes go on hiatus for the summer months.
(See Youth for children and youth class schedules. PLC Adult Forum meets via Zoom as of March 2020.)
Childcare is provided for in-person services and classes.